
16-03-2025 Vol 19

Coronavirus Memes

Howdy, hi folks! It’s me again…yeah, I know last week I said I’d cut back on my normal blogging routine but I think I stretched the truth on that one. Actually, I’m hopelessly addicted to blogging.

Recently I made a change with my blog post URL. Normally the string address included the four digit  year and two digit month followed by the post title. I removed the date part from the URL format. I didn’t think anything about the slight modification until Debbie mentioned having several broken links for my site on her end and asked if I changed formats. I confirmed that I had, as well my Broken Links plugin flagged more than 1000 links that I need to fix. *smack  forehead* I’m in the process of getting these repaired. The simplest way to do it, just remove the ‘YYYY/MM’ portion of the URL and it should work. It’s a bit tedious but it’s getting the job done successfully.  I’m sorry if this has caused an inconvenience for you.

Friday night we watched Pixels with Adam Sandler. Have you seen it?  There were silly parts in the film but overall it wasn’t a bad production.  Let me give you a quick synopsis. The movie opens in 1982 with a group of arcade nerds in battle to see who’s the best arcader. At this expo, they recorded the games being played for NASA to send up in their next launch with the hopes of reaching intelligent life beyond our world.  Fast-forward to present day, those kids are adults now.   You guessed it, aliens came across those recording but instead of seeing it as games they took it as an act of war and retaliated against earth. It’s now up to those gaming nerds to save the world! On scale from 1 – 10, I’d give it an 8.  Check out the trailer!

Okay, there’s SO much fear in the world lately. I get that but fear is a bad thing, so I’m here to help break some of that stress over the whole big bad Coronavirus scare with these funny memes and if a single person says I’m racist then I’ll will smack you across the face with a wet noodle…Chinese noodle. 🤣 Seriously, I saw someone’s comment about these memes being racist and requested that they be taken down. *roll eyes* I’m a rebel so enjoy some laughs.

Calm down, it’s now time for a word from Lisa Simpson….

How scary can this thing really be?

The World Health Organizations says: The most effective way to protect yourself against the new coronavirus is by frequently cleaning your hands with alcohol-based hand rub or washing them with soap and water. Sorry to burst your bubble consuming alcohol won’t work!!

Just remember anyone can be affected by the Coronavirus but the elderly and those who have asthma, diabetes, or heart disease are more susceptible to the virus. Be smart and you’ll come out a winner!

Thanks to my 4M boogie partner Mike Golch for sharing this meme on Facebook! 😄

See I have a serious side…sorta! Who knew there was a song about the Coronavirus? You may already know these things but Colette shared some great tips in her recent post, What happens if you do get #Coronavirus? Saying prayers for all those affected by this nasty little booger and praying that things will get better for everyone all over the world!

It’s time to grab a cup of coffee and follow along with me as I head off to visit Sandee for some Happy Tuesdays giggles at Comedy-Plus, then I’ll check out Random Tuesday Thoughts with Stacy Uncorked, and finishing things up by checking out this week’s word prompt found at Eugi’s Causerie for the wannabe poet buried inside.   That’s a wrap for now but come back tomorrow for Wild Wednesdays where just about anything goes! 😉

X💋X💋, Cathy


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15 thoughts on “Coronavirus Memes

  1. I’m not panicking because fear is worse than the virus. We stay home and watch TV, hang out on the internet and play with our new cat. The sun is shining today – Yay! Stay safe, healthy and wise.

    I had several broken links too. When I tried to fix them, I moved the post to the Gutenberg editor (WordPress) and the post errored out. I had to delete several of them, which is okay because I will alter and use them later on.

    🌸 🌼 🌻 🌞

    1. Eugenia,

      We’re staying home mostly. DH still goes to the office. Most of the staff are working from home but as long as he can he’ll go in. He might be told differently at any point but it’s so much easier for him to do things there because we don’t have a good place in this tiny place of ours for him to set up. If only we had a basement, nothing fancy just a place to put a table for him to work at times like this. Oh well…maybe we’ll find our dream home before the year is done. I’m remaining hopeful. 🙂 Well…I have more than a few broken links. I’m making good progress since I reported my problem. I think I’m finally below 600 now. 🙂 It’s time consuming but I figured out a good rhythm that works.

    1. I’m glad you can appreciate the humor. I read an article this morning from Breitbart that points out while MSM is having a cow saying this is ‘racist’ referring to this as the Chinese virus that the article lists about two dozen news agencies doing just that. So, it’s okay if MSM says it but not anyone else?

  2. I don’t think i will see’s not my cup o tea:). I think humour is needed and i love satire which is what this long haired guy is doing. You are not prejudiced for wanting to add some humour. It is funny but I hate how people are right away wanting to blame a race…that is disgusting! If people start hurting the Chinese community, they need an attitude readjustment.

  3. Actually, bring on the wet noodle. These are racist at a time when these poor people who own Chinese restaurants are seeing horrible business due to prejudiced, inaccurate information. I’m the single person and am not a fan of this content, either.

    1. That’s too bad about the innocent being accused of something that’s not their fault. That’s entirely wrong but imo these memes should be taken strictly as funny not serious.

  4. Those were cute funnies! We don’t know who Adam Sandler is but he canceled an appearance here due to the corona virus. Happy St. Patrick’s Day from all of us!

  5. I wonder how many bad links I have. I’m sure some as we all do. Bugger.

    I’m not panicking at all. It is what it is. Fear isn’t going to help one bit. Love all the funnies.

    Have a fabulous day, Cathy. Love and hugs. ♥

  6. Hi, Cathy!

    As you know I was locked out of your blog yesterday, could not leave a comment. I was also locked out this morning when I tried to comment on this post. I even went over to my old blog and tried to comment from there but with no success. Finally I needed to have a link sent to my email and go through a time consuming series of steps to get back here. It is not the way it used to be, so if you would, please check your blog settings for me or simply add my email address to your “allow” list in the settings. That should enable me to gain access and comment without all this hassle. Thank you!

    In the early 80s, I had Pac-Man fever and also owned a copy of that song on a 45. I spent many hours each week playing Pac-Man, Donkey Kong and other video games in restaurants and bars. Adam Sandler’s Pixels looks like a hoot – my kind of fantasy – action – comedy film.

    Now to discuss the kind of fever that isn’t as much fun, the dreaded corona virus. I enjoyed this video created by JP which exposes the root causes of panic over the outbreak. I do not assign a hidden agenda to the author or label him racist, but instead choose to keep an open mind and realize the piece is, as he states in his profile, intended to be a mix of satirical comedy and serious observation. JP does not seem to favor one side over another. He calls out or pokes fun at special interest groups on every side of the virus scare. I appreciate his sarcasm.

    I also enjoyed the other cartoons, memes and the music video created in response to the pandemic. Laughter is good medicine. I think it helps to laugh about our troubles rather than panic, attack each other or weaponize and politicize them. I am reminded of the words spoken by President Franklin D. Roosevelt in his first inaugural address in 1933:

    “let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is…fear itself — nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror which paralyzes needed efforts to convert retreat into advance.”

    Have a safe and happy day, dear friend Cathy!

  7. MOL MOL…very good founds, CK😹On Grandpaw’s vison card is written “you have shaked hands with…” well…not anymore…MOL…Stay well. Humor is the best medicine💚Pawkisses for a Happy St. Patrick’s Day🐾😽💞

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