Friday, March 13, 2020

Rainbow Scrap Challenge - TEAL - and Finished ( or not) Friday!

Happy Finished ( or not) Friday!!
and to my Teal RSC blocks

I know RSC is supposed to be scraps - but peeps - don't rain on my parade - my scraps are truly almost all red white and blue... so I got a little scrap pack ( a stash pack) from Colorways by Vicki - and I am having a great time using it!!

Here is my March offering!!!

And well - we all know what is going on in the news right? here is a little funny.

My husband travels quite a bit, so he literally has two sets of Undergarments - a set for traveling, and a set that I wash while he is traveling... and now that he has been grounded... I did the wash - and Lawsy Mercy you all... the amount of undergarments!!  He might need another drawer, or we will store some in his suitcase - Ha ha ha!!

Alright - On to your Finishes!!

Sorry about the time thing last week, I claim insanity - but you have till Sunday Night to link up this time - still not enough time? - email me.. I am open to learning!


Linking to:
Can I get a Whoop Whoop at Confessions of a Fabric Addict
Rainbow Scrap Challenge at Super Scrappy


The Joyful Quilter said...

Oh, those gorgeous hand dyes!!! Who can blame you for wanting to work with them? Of course, the bulk of your scraps are patriotic!!! No surprise, there.

Delighted Hands said...

Great block for this month--beautiful fabrics!

Melva said...

Thanks for the giggle this morning! I can relate some... we have our truck camper and always have it "stocked" for a quick trip. Since we stayed in a house at the end of our TX Trip all clothing came in the house upon our return. Our drawers are bursting. LOL!

Sara said...

I sometimes have had to enhance the stash with certain colors that I don't use often. No worries!!

Frédérique - Quilting Patchwork Appliqué said...

Pretty fabrics, now there are scraps so it's ok ;)

scraphappy said...

Beautiful scraps! I am imagining that we are all going to be finding lots of new things about our significant others as we spend more time at home with them. Not sure whether that will be good or bad ;-)

dq said...

Super cute story! It is interesting for me to read about what is going on around us directly from the people even if the stories are unique like yours. I trust people's real stories more than what the news chooses to share.

Kathy S. said...

You picked a great color from Vicki! I have gotten fabrics from her before and they are lush. Happy sewing.

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

I would never worry if your blocks were made from scraps or not - I just enjoy looking at the pretty fabric! And the hand-dyed teal is so very pretty!

Cathy said...

I think it's a good thing you don't have scraps. Means you used them all, right???? Anyway, can't go wrong with hourglasses in any way, shape or form.

Wish I had undies galore. Maybe it's time I shopped.

Andree G. Faubert said...

Hi Alycia, isn't it funny how we gravitate towards some colour and stay away for others? I also don't have much teal in my stash.

Rebecca Grace said...

As far as I'm concerned, as soon as a piece of fabric is cut off the bolt, it becomes a scrap!! Otherwise the new quilters wouldn't be able to play along with any of these scrappy challenges! I also consider all precuts to be "scrap assortments."