Sunday, 8 March 2020

Spring Cuttings. . .

Hello and welcome to The Sunday Selfies! 

     We are joining The Kitties Blue, from The Cat on My Head blog, for the weekly celebration of blogs and bloggers from across the world, and across the species.

     To join in, get the Linky-Link code from their website, add it to your page, and enjoy the hop!

     A link to the first part of this mini-adventure story called 'My Sweet Valentine' can be found HERE.

     A link to the second part of this mini-adventure story called 'As fit as a Flea' can be found HERE.

     If you want to see some of Mrs H's January Foto Failures, then click the link HERE.

     If you want to see some of Mrs H's February Foto Failures, then click the link HERE.

     Hello, and welcome to the 7th selfie of the New Year — but first an update.

     As feline week's go, this last one, like most since my birthday, have been pretty much a letdown. Whilst we have had a few days of absolute sunshine, it has stayed cold. Other days have just been rain, wind, and flood. At one point the local shepherd thought he'd have to give up his flock entirely and send them to the used cotton bud recycling plant!

     That said, when the sun was out, we here at the Palace had a glimmer of summer. I say 'we' but it was actually just me. Mrs H has not been as attentive to her attentiveness duties as I would like. In fact, she has spent many days and some nights fretting over the edits to our new book.

     "My dear Erin," she said one day at 4am, as I batted her around the ear for falling asleep whilst preparing my early breakfast, "books, and those cotton buds you like to chew and play with, do not grow on trees, you know!"

     I looked out the window at the nearby willow and sighed. There perched up high, and away from the floodwaters was a small collection of multi-sized and bedraggled sheep, flicking their tails in a light morning breeze. "Strange," I muttered to myself, "we usually have catkins at this time of the year?"

      I turned to look at Mrs H. I didn't have the heart to break the news to her that she was likely labouring under a misapprehension re. the origins of cotton buds, as it was plain as the hair on my face. As to books, well, where do all the gardening books come from if not the trees, flowers, and shrubs we plant?

     "I think, Mrs H, you have that wrong. But on another note, I do think if we play our cards right, we won't have to worry about decorating a Christmas Tree this year! By any chance do you know what how to feed and prune sheep?"

     Well enough of the frivolity, here's this week's tastefully decorated 100% organic, plant-based (mainly NIP) selfie of me!

     Thank you for visiting us this week, and we hoped you enjoyed our cutting of frivolous fun feline fancy.

     If you have any gardening tips re. potting up cuttings of willow based sheep (Mrs H suggested grafting or layering – sounds far too painful!) or how to support over cropping willow branches, then please do rush them to me post-haste. 

     To see what our international blogging pals have been up to this week, be it tonics lotions or potions, or just neat nip brandy, then please click the links below, and enjoy the Hop!


  1. We could cope with a willow in our garden. I know they need lots of water and we have a stream. No little sheep though!

    I hope Mrs H gets plenty of sleep and hides the cotton buds from you (not a cat thing cotton buds!)

  2. Erin, have you checked out YouTube for the croppings and how to maintain the trees and so? Prune you mean the willow can walk...MOL...Well, I hope you'll find out everything, your Selfie is very much YourSelfie, Erin, and we love it very much😸Pawkisses for a Happy Sunday and some Healing Pawkisses for Mrs.H for a purroper sleep🐾😽💞

  3. That's such a sweet and cozy selfie! Hey, we answered Mrs. H.'s messages.

    1. Thank you, and thanks for helping Mrs H out — well not literally as she tries never to drink when out, MOL

  4. Good luck with the cotton bud theory Princess, you sure are pretty today in your comfy cozy selfie.

    1. Thanks. Seems like I need to put the sheep on a slow spin and then let drip dry, else they'll shrink, MOL

  5. Sweet selfie. We're no help on the gardening tips.

    The Florida Furkids

    1. Thanks. Mrs H tries hard on the gardening but generally leaves it to Old Ned. He, I swear, has to look it up anyways, MOL

  6. We do not know about how to grow willow plant, but we hope you enjoy that nip-infused snoozy, Erin!

    1. Shame about the willow, but the nip was one hundred percent natural and very well fertilized as I grew it under the sheep ;)

  7. Erin it is simply amazing all the miss interpretations out hooman servants labor under. Amazing indeed. I wanted to let you know that our charges, Curly and Fanny, have a very big and safe back yard to live in and we hope, in time, they start to trust our Dad more. We will be watching from our Cat Fenced area and let you know

    1. Oooh, that is excellent news re the new charges. We look frwards to new updates :)
      As to those miss things, I swear Mrs H must have either a degree or a draw full of them. Either that or she is just naturally haphazard, MOL

  8. A pussy willow bush is on our list of items to plant in our yard this year, so we can enjoy them next Spring, Erin! And a witch hazel bush too, plus whatever else I can get my hands on...going to the native Michigan garden center in May with my master-gardener, cat-loving, artist friend!

    1. Great choices! Willows love water so if you have that, they will do well.
      Frankly for me though, anything I can climb is good. Plus if you can hang baskets of cat nip from it so much the better, MOL
      PS If you want nesting sheep like I had, you'll need to go for the smaller breeds to save snapping the branches, MOL

  9. Replies
    1. Thank you, it really was hard work to get that one shot!

  10. We sometimes see sheep grazing in the valley below our street. It's all furry pastoral. Bur no willows.
    Your selfie looks furry peaceful and relaxed.

    1. Thanks, sun and a large meal makes me a good napper ;)
      PS Them sheep can be quite ferocious, so if they are in your street best not to give them a parking ticket as they can go Bahhh-king mad ;)

  11. What a lovely cozy selfie ! Purrs

    1. Thank you. It was a nice nap even though the sun wasn't out!

  12. What a nice side selfie, Erin. We're no help with gardening tips though we do love pussy willows!

    1. Pussy willow, hmm? Not heard of that one ;)

  13. That nip must have been very good. That is a very big smile you have!

    1. Shhh, dont tell everyone else they'll all want some! MOL

  14. That is a gorgeous selfie. XO

    1. Thank you, sleep I can do laying on my head — or side, MOL ;)

  15. Replies
    1. Thank you. Never mind, looks like I may have to return them sheep to the shepherd!

  16. Kinda like our weather, here. Sun's out, but still chilly. Well... Well it was chilly this mornin'. Below zero, I believe, but this afternoon it's supposed to go up to five! Can't wait. PURRS

    1. Brrr, that is way too cold! I mean at that temperature you could freeze the tail off willow sheep, MOL ;)

  17. ERin; yur lookin gorgeouz az all wayz N while we due knot haz any add vize for de sheep we can say that soon we will haz catkinz all over de grass in de bak frum R willow N wear they land iz wear they stay lezz a good strong wind comez N takez em a way !!! :) ☺☺♥3

  18. We always enjoy seeing your selfies, Erin. You're so pretty.

  19. Princess, I sure hope they're not zoms in sheep's clothing! You might have Mrs. H. pull up the drawbridge just in case and add a kraken to the moat. Tell her to give the kraken a bit of garlic so that any bites to his tentacles won't turn him. Tee hee hee. I bet once the zoms and storms have cleared out, your garden and flowers will blossom into a beauty like you. Oh, if only you were here in O-R-E Gon with me, my lil' bouquet. Luvs and kisses. From your Prince.

  20. Erin, it is always so much fun to read what you've been up to. Those cotton buds around like wonderpurrly fun toys to bat around the house. Unfortunately we don't have them buds. Instead we have pink confetti that scatters off the tree in the front yard, covering everything around it. Mom sez it's a messy tree, but we like to sit in the front window and watch the birds dining on the birdseed while being showered in the pink confetti. Almost like a parade! It's almost spring. Hang in there!
