No matter what kind of nice weather I have outside I almost always pick up a needle – quilting, knitting, or hook at some time of the day – even if it is for only 15 minutes while I am waiting for something to cook on the stove. Do you do that too I wonder? We are truly into early spring here in Arkansas almost every day for the next 10-15 day outlook says 60-70 on it, nights still between 35-50 mostly but mornings are warming up by 10 or so in the morning.
In the morning I immediately set to making the Christmas block for A Charming Country Christmas that I had laid out the night before. Scrappy is wonderful in that you can have stripes or prints turned whichever way you want and who can say it is wrong?

When it all gets up on the wall and eventually in the quilt it will be unique in its own way. Ten blocks done – ten more to go and then all the sashing and nine patches.

This part of Dresden Garden was quilted on Wednesday night

After looking at it late in the day yesterday I decided to see if I would like circles quilted inside of the round circles on the flowers and got out some of my Mylar circles to check. I think on these with large centers I will.

This week I decided to only work on one yarn project so when I finished the first front side of the sweater I got started on the second and look how this has grown in what? 3 –4 days? Fast for me and no ripping out!!

Here is is laying out – sure does curl doesn’t it – can’t get it to lay flat and I know it will need to be blocked.

Melanie had texted close to noon to tell me she was off work yesterday did I want to go for a walk instead of going to the fitness center like I usually do when I’m by myself and of course I did – we always see interesting plants at the trails. This red berry plant is Heavenly Bamboo from the Barberry family.

And then we saw this cute little white flower growing everywhere too – Cutleaf Toothwort a species of Bittercresses. It was growing thickly in quite a few spots.

At home – more varieties of Daffodil’s of course! As you can see terrific blue sky here – there wasn’t a cloud out there I think which was really great after the last couple of really cloudy days.

I have to clean the weeds out already – Hyacinths peeping out – I don’t have a lot of these planted and wondered what color I have I don’t remember.

No rain until Monday so I should be able to get some weeding done and get the ground in shape for all the plants coming up. I think a small veggie garden on the deck again this year instead of in the raised beds. I just have too much trouble with bugs and critters!! I bought a little bit of lettuce starts already and a bag of potting soil and they will be up high away from the rabbits and deer. Linking to Confessions of a Fabric Addict –– Wendy’s Quilts and More— Creations, Quilts, Art, Whatever — From Bolt to Beauty —
Bluprint has a deal going on right now – Get 40% off 2 items through Sunday – use code SAVEDOUBLE. I got 2 Tuscany bleached cotton king size battings and got $40 off. Don’t forget if you become a member you save 15% on every purchase and free shipping and handling, plus 12 free classes a year.
Aren’t spring wild flowers wonderful? I love that little white flower you showed. Not sure that grows here. On our forest walks, in early June/late May we see trout lily, trillium, and Jack in the Pulpit if we’re lucky.
Your Country Christmas blocks look great! I agree with you that scrappy blocks give a quilt a unique personality, and I love that! Looks like you really enjoyed your walk with Melanie on such a beautiful day – I love seeing the flowers. I’m ready for more of that around here!
Hi Karen, what a treat for me to open your post and see those blooms! My eyes are longing to see a garden now. Fresh snow made up for what we lost in the recent rain…however, more rain in the forecast for this week.
As always such a treat to see your blocks as well. Love them and yes, I am always doing a little something while dinner cooks.
It’s fun to hear that I am not the only one that can not leave my quilting projects alone even in the summer!
Trying to grab a few minutes to stitch while also working in the kitchen has led to many a burnt tray of cookies or whatever…. I try but am not the master of multi-tasking. I get sucked into the project until I smell something gone wrong. Haha.
Love your flowers – Dresden and real. My daffodils are just now blooming as well. So pretty!!
I try to squeeze in as much time sewing as possible. Even if I am gardening outside in the morning I’ll plan to spend the afternoon in my sewing room. That is always a perfect day for me. Two favorite pastimes in one day!!!
The Christmas Charmer looks so pretty up on the design wall. You’re really making fast progress on Dresden Garden. Love the daffodils!
Your Christmas blocks are coming along so well, together with the sister RSC blocks. No, I dont do any stitching while waiting for pots etc to cook in the kitchen. Much too dangerous for me, what if something burns?
Love your Dresden plate quilt! Would love to see the whole quilt!?
You’ve shared lots of pretties with us today. I too try to do at least a little bit of stitching every day. It is good for the soul and blood pressure, and it helps move projects along as well. The Christmas blocks are perfectly scrappy and the hand quilting on the dresdens add so much beautiful texture.
The Christmas Quilt blocks are coming along nicely. Love the Dresdan garden quilt, the baptist fan motif really works on it.
I love the Christmas Quilt very much. The Dresden Garden is beautiful quilted in the Baptist fan. Would love to see the whole quilt.Very nice!!