The Phoenix Will Rise : #WordlessWednesday #WednesdayWisdom
“There is a curious paradox that no one can explain. Who understands the secret of the reaping of the grain? Who understands why Spring is born out of Winter’s laboring pain, or why we must all die a bit before we grow again? I do not know the answer; I merely know it’s true. I hurt them for that reason, and myself a little bit too.”
Tom Jones

the phoenix will rise
How so?
When your world comes crashing down, you have a chance to do something you couldn’t have done before: rise up.
You can only be reborn if you’ve known what it feels like to die inside.
Your story might be called “Resilience” or “Hope” or even “Freedom.” It’s the story of the phoenix.
Credits: Jennifer Williamson
The phoenix symbolism
In ancient mythology, the symbolism of the majestic Phoenix bird, which is most often connected with the Sun, dies and is reborn across cultures and throughout time.
Ancient legend paints a picture of a magical bird, radiant and shimmering, which lives for several hundred years before it dies by bursting into flames.
It is then reborn from the ashes, to start a new, long life. So powerful is the symbolism that it is a motif and image that is still used commonly today in popular culture and folklore.
The phoenix symbolizes renewal and resurrection, and represents many themes , such as “the sun, time, the empire, consecration, resurrection, life in the heavenly Paradise, the exceptional man etc.”
The mythical phoenix has been incorporated into many religions, signifying eternal life, destruction, creation and fresh beginnings.
Due to the themes of death and resurrection, it was adopted a symbol in early Christianity, as an analogy of Christ’s death and three days later his resurrection.
Continually morphing and remorphing, the phoenix represents the idea that the end is only the beginning. Much like this powerful myth, the symbol of the phoenix will be reborn over and over again in human legend and in imagination.
In fact it is a powerful legend even in the business worlds where businesses have got wiped out if they did not continue to evolve – grazed to the ground and then risen to the top – like the Phoenix !
Credits: Ratna, A Reiki healer
Therefore, the renewal phase of what the Phoenix goes through to emerge as a more powerful version of itself is the churn I am experiencing right now, but with a sense of fascination.
I would like to get a Phoenix tattoo someday, as it is symbolic to the constant growth and healing we as mere mortals experience time and again.
“Sometimes, we must die a little before we grow again – we break before we become whole again.” – (Thank you to my dear blogger friend, Veronica , from you comment on Esha’s blog)
What do you think? Do you believe in the renewal of oneself just like the Phoenix? How often do you rise from the ashes to start afresh? Is it a painful journey? Would you rather go through the pain or stay where you are?
P.S: I’m going through a few health hiccups and therefore most of this post is borrowed. Immense gratitude to the contributors.
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Have a gratifying #WW!
43 thoughts on “The Phoenix Will Rise : #WordlessWednesday #WednesdayWisdom”
Hope you recuperate well and fast Natasha.
The Phoenix is alluring. Just like we need to unlearn to learn, we need to shed the older version of our self and wear the newer one …… To achieve this we go through a series of ups and downs. In short we need to evolve! I love the quote ” Sometimes you have to die a little inside in order to be reborn and rise again as a stronger and wiser version of you”
Thank you dear, Monika. On the mend yes. Slowly but surely.
I loved that quote too, Monika. Spoke volumes to me at this point of time.
Wow, phoenix tattoo looking nice and all the best when you adorn it.
just the name of phoenix boosts the confidence.
Yes, it’s a painful journey to rise from ashes but that the way to realize your strength.
Thanks Pragun. I hope this was not a passing fancy
Time will tell.
Till then I’ll continue to rise like a Phoenix. Always.
Yes, Phoenix is a beautifully, inspiring being.
Thanks dear Pragun, for stopping by.
Love that tattoo. Amazing and nice quotes too.
Thank you dear Ramya.
Your phoenix(s) are beautiful. I noted one of the authors you quoted were Octavia Butler, an author who died too young. She suffered on and off from writer’s block, but what she managed to write was fantastic. I’ve read The Parable of the Sower, the first of what was supposed to be a trilogy (the Parable of the Talents was the second book) and it is scary and amazing, considering it was written in the 1990’s.
Interesting piece of information about Octavia Butler, Alana. I shall look her up right away.
Her books sound fascinating. Would like to explore them sometime too. Thank you for sharing these nuggets. Have a wonderful week!
Thanks for linking up at ‘My Corner of the World’ this week!
My Corner of the World
Thanks for linking up with us too, Betty. Happy week!
This is a beautiful post, borrowed or not, from the vibrant imagery to the insightful quotes! Life is a series of cycles. We all crash and burn at some point, but most of us do find the strength to rise back up again.. I hope your health issues will be quickly resolved, Natasha. Thank you for hosting this link party.
Thank you dear, dear Deb. Yes, on the mend. Touche’.
Much love.
I’m so glad you found this post fascinating.
Wonderful pictures!
Happy WW!
Thank you Diana. Lovely to have you swing by.
Happy week!
I do like that tattoo so neat
Have a inktastic week
Ha ha! Steve. Definitely will. Are you planning an inkastic week too?
Loads of laughter always. You always make us smile, don’t you !
I love a lot the idea of this ‘bird’ symbol. Maybe it is only a story, but I deeply believe that is something more. “The idea that the end is only the beginning” is very powerful and I can interpret it that practically
the end does not exist, but only the transformation and flow. And for the humans could be very important!
Thank you for this beautiful subject, Natasha!
Happy WW!
I’m so glad the subject resonated, dear Suzana.
Loads of love and cheer!
Beautiful tatoo may be!
Happy WW, Natasha!
Ha! Ha! Zina. I like the “maybe”
Hallo Natasha,
lovely tattoo
my fur baby is a boy. His name is Leo. He is 3 years old
hug and kisses from the Bavaria
Mishka say hi to Leo :)))) as does Laila. :))) Paw kisses too.
You and Esha write the most insightful and beautiful posts!
The symbolism is so spot on! No pain, no gain! I’ve learnt one thing in my 57 years of life — what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger!
Happy Wednesday, my dear friend!
Wow, Veronica. I never imagined you would be 57. For some reason I thought you would be 47 like me. :)) Just kidding.
Lovely to have a learned, well travelled erudite friend like you. <3
I'm so glad Esha and my posts resonate.
Big Hugs
I FOUND YOU WOO HOO! HI GIRLFRIEND, HOW ARE YOU? FINE I HOPE. OH MY GOODNESS! I just LOVE your Post. The picture of the PHOENIX is BEAUTIFUL! I love it. I’m going to have to find a picture like that and hang it up in my home. It’s absolutely mesmerizing!!! So is your tatoo! The colors are my favorite together. So very pretty. Thank you for sharing and it’s so nice to finally find you again! Have a great day! Sending BIG HUGE HUGS for you!
Ha! Ha! Marie Good to see you to Sweety.
How have you been?
Love <3
Doing great sweetie! Hope all is well with you too! Sending you big hugsssssssssssss
Lots of love, Marie. <3
Such a gorgeous tattoo (even though I’m not so much of a tattoo lover, still I say so!) and I bet I’ll see you that on you someday soon.
Just the kind of thought-provoking and contemplative post that I needed to read this morning, Natasha, so thank you for sharing your wisdom and wishes and positive healing vibes aplenty as you tackle another busy week ahead. I hope things resolve sooner than you think and all the troubles disappear faster than you anticipate. Take care, my friend and remember, it is the darkest before the dawn, so fingers crossed for all of us who are sailing through tough times. This too shall pass someday and we shall rise just like the phoenix, to emerge with renewed strength and force.
Plenty of positive vibes and hugs,
Oops! Pardon the typo. Meant to say this —See that on you someday soon.*
<3 :) Lots of love dearest.
Thank you for your reassuring words always Esha. Blessed to have you in my life. <3
Same Pinch. If I ever get a tattoo in this life, it would be a Phoenix. I simply love its symbolism.
Would be my 5th tattoo :))
Oh Dear! Hope our hiccups settle down. It’s quite annoying to say the least to be indisposed. But like the phoenix, your spirit will take you higher. Take care.
Thanks darling.
Who doesn’t love a phoenix, especially after Fawkes in Harry Potter. Very cool tat. And yes, I’m a big believer of rising from the ashes or just plain rising (as many times as you have to).
Absolutely Jeanna, that’s the best we can do come rain, hail or storm. Keep that head bobbing high…
Thanks for hosting and I hope that you have a wonderful week. So very cool about the Phoenix.
I’m glad you found it interesting.