Friday, December 27, 2019

Patriotic Eagle is now.... a Top!!

Happy Friday!!
I hope you all have had a wonderful week and!
maybe even had a special Christmas Dinner ( or two!)

and maybe you even have a Finish to brag about???

This is my Finish... It is just a top - but hey - that's a finish of a stage right??  I really like how this one turned out - I sorta had the vision in my head.... but the colors really make that Eagles Flag pop! 
( okay that is my opinion... ha ha ... maybe you don't agree!)

and you will note!  I have a trusty Quilt holder back in my life.... I actually have 3 of them for a short period... kinda makes me wish I had more finishes to photograph......

Alright! It is your turn - Link up your Finishes... and please provide a direct link so those slowpokes like me can go to the direct post ;-)



Linking to:
Confessions of a Fabric Addict
TGIF Friday at Anja Quilts
From Bolt to Beauty


Gretchen Weaver said...

Your quilt turned out very nice! Love those stars. Happy Stitching!

Sherrill said...

EVERY TIME I see a post using a panel, I think to self "dig out what you have and decide on how to finish it" but then I don't. Seeing yours made me get up and find a couple!! So now there here but ain't no way I'm making that many stars so I'll find other options. Yours is gorgeous! Glad the boys all came home for Christmas.

Cathy said...

Beautiful! The stars are a wonderful choice to frame the panel. You are right..the colors make the Eagles Flag pop.

Happy New Year!

Kat Scribner said...

Lovely flimsy, Alycia. I know you will have it quilted up in no time. Happy New Year!

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

I finished one small wall hanging and got a new quilt on the hand quilting frame

Nancy @ Grace and Peace Quilting said...

What a beautiful patriotic quilt!!! I can feel the soar!!!

Vivian said...

Ooh, I like those stars and all the white space around that panel! Another great QOV! You always give me so many good ideas for future projects. A safe and Happy New year to you too!

quiltingbydawn said...

Perfect colors to surround that beautiful eagle! ❤️

Cynthia Brunz Designs said...

I really like this one Alycia. The stars were a great choice!

Frédérique - Quilting Patchwork Appliqué said...

I love yourquilt, very pretty stars around the eagle!

Lisa J. said...

THis is a stunning quilt Alycia and I am glad you have a quilt holder back.

The Joyful Quilter said...

SEW glad to hear that all the quilt holders are home for the Holidays!!! Awesome quilt for making use of them (instead of them just eating all of your food.)

WeedyMama said...

Lovely Friday finish. I haven't seen that panel, so I will be on the look out for it. So glad your boys are home for the holidays.

Happy New Year.

Farm Quilter said...

I love how the centers of the stars reflect all the different reds in the panel!! Looks fabulous!! Can you tell me the secret of opening the links others have provided?

dq said...

Your quilt is so stunning! I love it SEW SEW SEW much!

Andree G. Faubert said...

Hi Alycia, your quilt top really looks great - and your right, the colours do make the eagle pop out! Happy New Year!!!

Susan said...

And a wonderful top it is! I like the way it finished, and the double star rows to make it rectangular were a great idea.

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

Nice top!

Kate said...

Congrats on getting it to the finished flimsy stage. Hope you had a great time with your quilt holders over the holiday.

Anja @ Anja Quilts said...

I love the border. Thanks for linking up with Thank Goodness It's Finished Friday.