I said I was going to take a couple days off from quilting but you all know me well enough by now I imagine to know that didn’t happen. Yesterday with the frame empty I got the next top that had been sitting at the bottom of the stack of three and got it on the frame! It was ready to work on – what else could I do LOL
I got the stencils out to look at them and see what I wanted to do on the outer border which is not real wide but wide enough to do something. This cardboard “box” holds all of them flat and slides underneath my dresser out of the way in the bedroom – a few larger stencils lay under this bunch.

After looking rather quickly – pretty much know what I have and what size – I decided to pick between these two

This piece has a corner on it or it can have a different corner with the same design coming out from that corner

Like this – I would need to have a tiny bit going off into the light color area so that I could trim the edges square if needed after it comes off the frame – it would work

And the other one – I have used this one before but not the one in the previous photo. Easier for sure, but I have used this one numerous times – maybe time for one I haven’t used? – You will find out soon which I picked I’m sure!

I was looking through thread and instead of using the two that I used on Crossroads I decided on a King Tut – I have one partial spool and one full – that will be plenty – I would be surprised if I have to get into the unused one.

I have not used my King Tut thread for awhile and I’m always happy with it.

70 degrees yesterday meant a walk at the trails for me – still doesn’t look like winter out there! took a 40 minutes walk and then went to the grocery store to get some veggies – need to make salad – I’ve been eating too many sweets!!! Linking to Confessions of a Fabric Addict – From Bolt to Beauty — Alycia Quilts — Creations-Quilts,Art, Whatever — Wendy’s Peacock Party —

Dear Karen
You are now a woman of quilts! Can not believe how beautiful it looks your side. We have ice and snow on the ground. With the rain last night maybe most of it will be gone this morning? King Tut quilts great and the variegated threads blend so well with the colours on the quilt tops.
I too like using King Tut variegated thread for machine quilting. But I quilt all of mine on my Bernina home machine. I started quilting pillows, then up to little wall hanging, graduated to baby quilts. One to always be pushing the envelop, I actually worked myself up to being able to quilt a full bed size quilt with my machine……. and it only has the short throat that my mothers’ old Singer had back in the 50’s. I did promise myself that I would finally invest in one of Patsy Thompson’s hanging suspension inventions the first of the year to help with those bigger quilts.
I do like this quilt and looking forward to seeing how the thread looks on this quilt. By your second picture, the one where the colors look darker, I immediately thought ohhh, it looks reminiscent of an antique quilt. On my screen I didn’t see so much orange until you mentioned it at he end of the post. And, I am almost always pleasantly surprised how much nicer my quilts look after they are quilted.
I’ve never used any Superior thread, but have always heard good things about it. I love how the spool even tells what kind of needle to use – I’m sure that is for the sewing machine! The variegated looks perfect for the quilt you’re going to work on next. It looks like it was just beautiful there yesterday! We walk in our neighborhood every day, but I’m missing my trail walks with friends. Hopefully, I can get back to that next week.
Yay for getting this beauty in the frame and start playing with ideas for borders you like on this one! Enjoy your King Tut variegated thread… more of what makes it a Karen Classical quilt 😀
What kind of binding with Olaf get against that bold blue outer edge?
You are amazing!
I’m ‘a’thinkin’ ‘ that I liked stencil #1…IMHO. A new start is ALWAYS exciting. Susan
I hope you go with the first stencil! Although both would look good with this quilt, I feel like the first one adds a little “oomph!” to the border that balances with the quilted rounds. Also nothing like adding to your repertoire with something “new to you”!
You are so good about hand quilting nice designs on all your quilts. Love that special touch that you do! I know you said that this quilt isn’t a favorite, but I think you’ll really enjoy quilting on it. Very lovely quilt!
I like the shell like stencil. Looking forward to seeing what you decided on.
I have used some Superior thread on my mid arm and it is really nice thread. I do love the quilt you have on the frame. I am sure it will come out marvellously.
It’s been years since I used a stencil. That double chain was a staple when I did. Now King Tut variegated threads have remained true friends. If you are up to it, I think the more elaborate pattern, with the corner adjusted to fit into the border would be a stunner.
I like the more shapely one, can’t wait to see what you picked.
Those stencils are both so pretty!! and yay for a 70deg walk!!! thats awesome!