How to Organize Jewelry Making Supplies in a Small Space

How to Organize Jewelry Making Supplies in a Small Space | City of Creative Dreams

How to organize jewelry making supplies in a small space? For me, since I share a bedroom with my son and have my office inside of our bedroom as well, it takes organizing to keep our space from looking like a mess all the time. Which means I must be smart in how I store my jewelry making supplies so that I can grab it when I need it but not too accessible for my son to get at it when he feels. Therefore, my closet shelf works as an area to store my crafts and jewelry supplies. I don’t make jewelry too often but having the right tools and storage in one location helps a ton.

How to Sort your Jewelry Making Supplies

How to Organize Jewelry Making Supplies in a Small Space | City of Creative Dreams

Hands down, using a storage tote with a removable organizer tray has been a lifesaver for me. It is so easy to use, organize and store. The goal is to keep similar items together and categorize your tools and supplies. I think acrylic or plastic clear containers are best because you can see what you have and how much you need. When you can’t see your items, you go buying more of what you already have. Which is so annoying. I bought my Latchmate storage box from Michaels.

How to Organize Jewelry Making Supplies in a Small Space | City of Creative Dreams
How to Organize Jewelry Making Supplies in a Small Space | City of Creative Dreams
How to Organize Jewelry Making Supplies in a Small Space | City of Creative Dreams

Organizing your Bead Stash

How to Organize Jewelry Making Supplies in a Small Space | City of Creative Dreams

Working in a craft store when I did was exciting but in return, I did take home a boatload of beads. One easy way I use to organize my jewelry beads is by getting empty lip balm containers. Not many people were looking to buy these containers, but I saw them as an opportunity for a beading organization system. Once I put the beads into the container, I was able to flip the container upside down and see what I need. Plus, because it has a blue cover it made the beads pop more in the container.

How to Organize Jewelry Making Supplies in a Small Space | City of Creative Dreams

Also, this way of storage for beads is something that does not take up too much room in my storage tote or on my desk. If you are looking to know how to sort beads fast, this is also a great solution for that. It did not take me long to put the beads into different containers and it helps to do this as soon as you take it out of the packaging.

How to Organize Jewelry Making Supplies in a Small Space | City of Creative Dreams

How to Store Beaded Necklaces

How to Organize Jewelry Making Supplies in a Small Space | City of Creative Dreams

When I finish a necklace or bracelet, I put them into a 12 sectioned holder. It is mostly designed for rings and earrings but also great for necklaces too. I personally don’t have the space to display all that I have made because it is gifts for people in my life so my creations don’t sit around for too long. Of course, if you do have space you can get many different and beautiful jewelry displays from Amazon and even Michael’s Craft Store at great prices.

How to Organize Jewelry Making Supplies in a Small Space | City of Creative Dreams
How to Organize Jewelry Making Supplies in a Small Space | City of Creative Dreams


Regardless of the container being clear, I always recommend labelling the containers. Especially the correct names of the beads for future purchases. Not only that but also labelling is important to avoid having to dig for items or trying to figure out what it is. I wish I had done that as soon as I put the beads or accessories into the container instead of just keeping the packaging labels in a separate location.

Final Thoughts

How to Organize Jewelry Making Supplies in a Small Space | City of Creative Dreams

We discussed many bead storage solutions that I use in my life and how to organize jewelry making supplies in a small space. If you take the time to organize your jewelry making supplies you will have more time to create and less time heaving to search for what you need. If you find something that works for your space or a bead organizer that you think I should totally check out. I want you to share it with me below in the comments.

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8 Replies to “How to Organize Jewelry Making Supplies in a Small Space”

  1. Nice. I purchased three 64 drawer cabinets. But I still have beads coming in. I wish I had picture of my cabinet if you would like to see it let me know and I’ll send pic. Right now I’m on the ice packs because I really over done it though. I got crap everywhere. I’m disabled and thank the Lord my son moved all the heavy furniture. Anyway I like your idea very much but I’m needing shelf space. Any ideas on that please reach out. Thank you so much.

    1. Shanice Bannis says: Reply

      Hi Julia, I appreciate your comment. I would love to see a photo. Feel free to email me using this link here:

  2. Hancockssignetrings says: Reply

    Great ways to organize jewelry. This is great space saving ideas. Thanks and keep sharing.

    1. Shanice Bannis says: Reply

      I am so happy to hear you like it! Thank you for your comment 🙂

  3. Wow! You organise your jewelry so beautifully. I love your ideas. Thanks for sharing with us too.

    1. Shanice Bannis says: Reply

      Thank you so much! I appreciate your kind words!

  4. Rita Rhymes says: Reply

    I need cheap racks to line wall so I call tell what I have.i make jewerly and just. Have no room to store in large containers.small erea.ilm low income can’t spend much
    Thank you

    1. Shanice Bannis says: Reply

      I completely understand Rita, if you have space on your walls you can utilize your wall by using a peg board, cord board or even use under your bed as a storage space as well.

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