Time To Start Something New!!

yes even though I have many quilts started and plan to start a new RSC20 in the new year I really feel that urge to be creative and start something new and what better than the Black Friday deal I got with the Edyta Sitar quilt pattern kit already cut out for me.  13 blocks – 12 of them made 4 times and 1 of the center.  It is called Alaska and I don’t know if I will stick with that name or name it something else.  Maybe I will try to do 4 of the blocks a month and have it be a year long project making a new set each month and in the 13th month do the center and put it together? Just an idea for now as there are so many in the works I need to start planning time to work on all of them!!

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Besides coming up with that “plan” I got a little more knitting done of the back of the brown sweater and I do believe it needs to be ten inches longer – LOL one day it will be done it certainly moves slower than crochet for me anyhow.


Brimfield Awakening is going so smoothly – it should be done by Monday I think, this part done to the top


The two Amaryllises that I planted in one pot is looking so pretty now – one red bud opened fully in the four parts and the striped has one of the flowers open.  I have one more bud shorter than the others that has not started to open yet.  Linking to Confessions of a Fabric AddictFrom Bolt to Beauty —  Wendy’s Peacock PartyCreations, Quilts Art Whatever


Have you seen this!  I am on the Top Ranking Quilt Blog list – you can vote for me if you wish by clicking the icon (shaped like a thumbs up) next to the name of my blog Quilts Etc… I’m looking through the list to see who is on it to check out – I recognize and follow some of them but some are new to me.  I was very surprised when I was contacted and told I was on the list – what a pleasurable surprise that was.  Last I looked I was #31 out of 110 – no prizes lol  – but recognition – just more people will find my blog if you vote as it puts me higher on the list.  I have no idea who nominated me but thank you!

11 comments… add one
  • Marianne Kotch Dec 13, 2019 @ 5:27

    That’s super about being on the list of quilt blogs. I voted, of course, and was pleased to see some other blogs I read are popular. The list is a good one for finding new blogs to read, but I am afraid to add more to my list. I read enough blogs already. Good luck with the voting!

  • Kim Webb Dec 13, 2019 @ 6:45

    That’s pretty neat about being nominated for the best blog list.
    The Alaska quilt looks very pretty. Interesting that’s it’s all cut out already.

  • piecefulwendy Dec 13, 2019 @ 8:12

    The Alaska quilt is a pretty one, and how fun that it’s all ready for stitching. It should be a great project to bring in the new year.

  • Jayne Dec 13, 2019 @ 8:16

    It’s going to be a lovely quilt! To have all the pieces precut would be a dream!!

  • sharkiecat Dec 13, 2019 @ 8:17

    I have the Alaska pattern and fabrics, but haven’t started it. Wish mine was pre-cut too. Have you seen Edyta’s tutorial, on her blog, about how to construct these blocks? She makes it look easy.

  • rl2b2017 Dec 13, 2019 @ 8:19

    Hi Karen! Congrats to you and your ranking on the list. I hadn’t heard of it before. I’ll check it out and certainly give you a ‘thumbs up’ or like. I had NO idea you could purchase kits with all the pieces already cut out. Holy moly! Isn’t that cool?! Pretty fabrics and a new project are always fun. Brimfield is really coming along nicely – I sure do like those batiks that you gave us a nice closeup of. ~smile~ Roseanne

  • Diann Bottrell Dec 13, 2019 @ 8:21

    I voted for you! That’s pretty neat! I understand the desire to start something new – I have it, too, although it’s more ideas than anything actually happening. The Alaska quilt looks beautiful!

  • Ruth Greenwald Dec 13, 2019 @ 8:24

    Well, of course I voted for you! Your knit is coming along nicely, and I love the new quilt you’ll be making. But then I love all your quilts. I just might be inspired to do some sewing today, too.

  • Michelle Churchman Dec 13, 2019 @ 16:11

    Karen, where did you purchase the Alaska kit? It looks beautiful! Of course you have to strike while the fire is hot so to speak! Your amaryllises are so pretty! And of course I voted for you. 😉

  • Belarmina Antuña Dec 13, 2019 @ 17:50

    Karen felicidades!! voté
    Buen fin de semana

  • Vivian B. Jul 26, 2020 @ 16:34

    Have been following your fabulous 2020 progress on this project and was curious where it started (had to search a bit, this post is not tagged). Lucky you snagging a pre-cut kit! I’m obsessed with Edyta’s designs right now and just ordered an Alasaka kit in RWB and pink! Will be my first time using her fabrics. Not pre-cut I’m afraid but hoping it will still be fun! Thanks for sharing all the inspiration!

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