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Headed to Philadelphia

At the Museum of Natural Sciences

Who wouldn't want to ride a turtle?

The fountain at Logan Square

William Penn watches over the city from the top of City Hall
And it wouldn't be Philly without soft pretzels!


  1. Oh my--those pretzels look good! Have fun in Philly!

  2. Lovely captures. . . A wonderful City, too.

  3. Love that city so much to see and do and so much history!! Enjoy!

  4. Philly is always special..we love visiting this city, especially the City Hall and the Reading market..

  5. The dinosaurs are scary. City Hall is beautiful and the pretzels look yummy!

  6. Have a wonderful time. Those pretzels look delish!

  7. I could eat a good few of those pretzels Sue. Thanks for the link up today.

  8. I've never gone to Philly, but daughter's family went for vacation last year and enjoyed their visit. Even the grandson liked it. :) Great photos.

  9. What a cool trip. I went there once. I want to go again.

  10. The children on the turtle makes a fun photo! Thank you for hosting.

  11. Philadelphia is a great city to visit! Love all your shots, especially the maximum capacity turtle pic. :)

    Thank you for hosting, Sue. Happy Wednesday!

  12. Philadelphia is on my bucket list -- I've never been. I enjoyed your photos of it!

  13. Thank you for hosting!! I never even been back East.My granddaughter and her family toured all over this year.
    Thank you for hosting, have a wonderful week!

  14. What a fun and wonderful city to visit! Loving your photos as always, Sue.

  15. Museums of Natural Science are so interesting to all kids, and adults, too! Beautiful fountain.

  16. Love the shot of the happy children ~ beautiful photos!

    Happy Moments to You,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  17. That is one awesome fountain. Those pretzels are making my mouth water. Have a wonderful rest of your weekend.


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