Friday, November 29, 2019

Cat Looking Forward to Destroying Christmas Tree Again This Year

MUNCIE, Indiana - A mysterious arbor-like presence has once again returned to the living room - as foretold by ancient feline prophecy - and one cat in Indiana is hell-bent on destroying it. According to local cat Gabriel, the decorated tree enigma can only be defeated by following strict instructions. "Swat at the shiny orbs, chew the illuminated vines, and then climb into the belly of the beast itself," Gabriel declared bravely from inside a stocking. Stories of brave cat warriors actually toppling the trees have been rumored for years, but they always seem to return during the winter solstice. "Whatever happens, it will be back again next year," admitted Gabriel, "And I'll be waiting when it does."


  1. You're a brave cat Gabriel, Arch Kitten. God speed.

  2. In my youth, I was known to battle a tree or two. ~ Ernie

  3. When my brother and I were kids, our tree fell over and my Dad's prized (and freaky and hated by the rest of us) - were decimated by Kitty. Everyone assumed it was Kitty that knocked the tree over trying to get to the ornaments. It wasn't until a couple years ago that my brother finally fessed up, that he'd accidentally knocked the tree over. Still, those hideous bird ornaments needed to go and I never missed them at all.

  4. I'm SO lucky to have never a kitty determined to destroy the Christmas tree!

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