Before Jessica and Ciera got here for an early Thanksgiving I was able to complete the Crossroads flannel quilt but once they arrived I had no place to spread it out and get good photos – I kind of forgot that I usually do that one the bed LOL
Crossroads is 101 x 101 inches, machine pieced and hand quilted – flannel front and back. It didn’t shrink a lot and fits the bed really well. I think before quilting and washing/drying it was 105 inches square? something like that. The quilt took 144 hours of hand quilting and when you don’t count in time off from travel time that makes it about 4 months to hand quilt it. This pattern and fabric was from a kit that I bought on Bluprint a couple years ago on the Black Friday sale – (good sales going on now too there) I used Brown and Beige #12 Aurifil thread for the quilting.

Linking to Confessions of a Fabric Addict— Alycia Quilts — Wendy’s Peacock Party —

It is not Thanksgiving here in the states without Black Friday Sales and I want to let you know that the Fat Quarter Shop has some sales! I so enjoy this shop and their fast service. I have decided to once again join the mini charm square club – you are sent 4 packages of new fabric lines as they come out – 4- 40 pieces of 2.5 inch squares – I will be saving them to make another mini tumbler quilt when I have enough pieces seeing as Jessica took the other one home with her!

AccuQuilt is also having sales now might be the time to get one

It’s really lovely! You also have a great view out your bedroom windows.
Wow, another beautiful quilt you’ve made. And your quilting is so excellent. I like this pattern.
Crossroads is beautiful! And I bet it feels nice and snuggley.
Just four months! Crossroads looks great, and I love your quilt ladder, too. Glad the shrinkage wasn’t too much. Thanks for the news about the mini charm club. I love working with them.
What lucky young ladies to get those beautiful quilts of yours, Karen. Enjoyed seeing them all again. It sounds like a great time too. Meanwhile it is a treat to see your lovely stitches up close. What a feat to accomplish all those stitches by hand!
Congratulations on another finish, your quilt looks really lovely and I do love your quilt ladder. It’s been interesting to see your knitting progress, I also do some knitting and crochet and have recently finished a knitted cardigan and a scarf. Also how nice that your girls were able to have their pick of your quilts.
Crossroads is a great finish, and looks just perfect on your bed! Finishing a quilt always feels so good, especially a big one like that. And isn’t it wonderful to have a reason to make more?! I have never made a tumbler quilt, but one has been on my list for years. Do you have a tumbler die for your Accuquilt?
It’s just stunning, Karen! A tumbler quilt will be awesome!
Crossroads looks great on your bed, Karen! Congratulations on yet another beautiful finish. I love that you keep track of the time that you put into each quilt. Enjoy the rest of your Thanksgiving weekend with your family!
Your new quilt looks so nice on your bed. Like others have said, I want a quilt ladder too! Although I do have a hand crafted quilt rack, made by my daughter, in the bedroom.
Oh My your Crossroads Quilt is just beautiful and will be so warm and cozy for
those winter days to come…Such pretty quilting you did also… Love it..
Karen precioso tu edredón y tu acolchado.
hermosa vista de tu jardín
Buen fin de semana
Oh man! Laying there all finished!! it is amazing!! I hope you are super proud of it!!
Your quilt looks wonderful all laid out on the bed. For some reason it had escaped me that it was all flannel. That will be a very cuddly toasty quilt!
Congrats on a marvellous hand quilted finish… it looks great on the bed!
And beyond that I am speechless 😮