So let's hop on the Happy Tuesday blog hop sponsored by Sandee at Comedy Plus.
We are all pretty happy here despite some new challenges for Lightning.
October was a blur for our home. It was a busy month with lots of activities with the grands, lots of eye doctor appointments for Dad, annual physicals for the three of us, a couple of injured boy grands, and some new health issues for Lightning. Well, there was a lot more going on, but that is probably enough for you to understand why we haven't been around much.
We don't have a photo of Dad, but here is another one of us for your viewing pleasure:)
As some of you know, our Dad has faced multiple eye issues for over 20 years now, ranging from glaucoma,, chronic inflammation, cornea problems, detached retinas, etc. For the most part he has done well, although he has little vision left in one eye. For the past six months or more, he has been battling some serious issues with his "good" eye. The doctors have been trying unsuccessfully to get a bout of scleritis under control. He needs to use some prednisone drops for the scleritis, but the prednisone aggravates the glaucoma. The cocktail of drops has been changed around so many times he has lost count. One week we see some progress, then the glaucoma pressure numbers skyrocket. We are all hoping the doctors can find the right balance and make his eye better. He can't afford to lose the vision in that eye too.
The grands are all good, with the two girls dancing nonstop and the boys in full basketball mode. The Texas boy got clipped hard on the side of the head a few weeks ago and had some severe jaw pain and blurry vision. Fortunately no concussion, just a badly bruised jaw, and the vision is now back to normal. Twin boy J took a hard elbow blow under his chin that clamped his mouth shut tight with his tongue getting pierced by his top two teeth. Thankfully he is fine too. Mom says no more injuries.
Now for us. Let's start with the Princess Misty.
So mid-October I had my annual vet visit with the very nice Dr. B. Mom was thinking I was getting a little "chunky" - horrors, how dare she!!! - BUT Dr. B. said my weight was just fine. Now that I have turned three, he said I am developing some good muscles:) If you remember, I have trouble with being allergic to some of my vaccines. So last year, I got a three year rabies shot to drop the count down a bit. This year Dr. B. said he wanted to give me a three year distemper vaccination as well, so now my rabies and distemper shots will be staggered. I had a little bit of snooter swelling with that one distemper shot but not as bad as the really bad reaction I had another time. I still have to go back to get my last two vaccinations, but I will take my benedryl before I go.
Otherwise, I am doing very well and Dr. B. wants to know how Mom gets so lucky to find such wonderful Siberians. He is very impressed with my charm:)
My turn??? It's ME, Timber!!!
I also got to spend some time with Dr. B., and let me tell you, he gives the best tummy rubs ever. AND he is pretty easy with treat dispensation. He was pleased to see that I have gained a couple of pounds after being so skinny for my first two years. He wouldn't mind if I put a little more weight on, but he is OK with where I am now. I got ALL my vaccinations and had no trouble at all.
I am in fine shape, and Dr. B. also said I am handsome and well-behaved.
OK, I guess the oldest gets to go last. Lightning here.
So where do I start? Well, I too had my annual visit, and a couple of more visits after that one. My annual went well. My weight is up a bit, but since I get little exercise these days, it is understandable. My "good" knee - the one that had surgery a year ago - continues to do fairly well, although it doesn't work as well as I wish. My "bad" knee - the one that can't have the surgery - continues to be a nuisance. The joint has gotten stronger over the past seven months, but it still gives out on me when I least expect it. I get around pretty well, but I really want to be outside with Timber and Misty running around. There is no chance I will ever be allowed to run again:( Mom walks me 7-8 times a day to keep me moving. We have had a very cold fall, with temps below freezing too often, so I really appreciate all her help.
So now for the not so good stuff. Mom asked the nice Dr. B. to look at my right eye, the brown one, when we were there for my annual exam. It has a funny spot that covers about one third of the iris, and the white of my eye often gets very bloodshot. Dr. B. put some funky drops in my eye to check the cornea for scratches. He didn't see any, but he did say I have corneal mineral dystrophy. At this point there isn't much that can be done for it, but Mom has to watch closely for any signs of tearing or infection because the cornea could get damaged. Then I might lose vision in that eye.
What??? Did you think I was done??? Nope, one more thing. Last week Dad felt a big bump on my upper back. Mom checked me out and found a big dry scab. It looked like a dead tick would look but it was about four times as big and a little bit stinky. Off we went again to see Dr. B. He cleaned the area, removed the scab, and said it was a benign tumor that had burst. He said it would take 1-2 weeks to heal, and Mom has some antibiotic cream to put on it. Well, it has been a full week now, and it isn't looking much better. Mom is trying to be patient and give it the two weeks, but . . .
OK, I am done now. That's plenty, don't you think? I will take all the good vibes you can send my way.
How about we end on a happy note - here's Piper!!!
Piper is a very happy bird. He sings early in the morning and right before he wants to go to bed, and a whole lot in between. He loves to compete with music playing, the TV, the vacuum cleaner, and people talking (especially when Mom gets on the phone). He especially loves it when the sun is shining and the blind on the window is open for him. And if Mom forgets to take his cover off in the morning, he starts to sing really loud to let her know he is awake and ready to greet the day.
We like getting back to the happy part. We see a box of Trader Joe turkey treats on the counter, so let's get going, Mom. TREAT TIME.
Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber
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Oh gosh, you have had a lot going on in your household. Dear Lightening, you are having such a tough time of it, but we know your Mom Is doing her absolute best for you. And we do hope the doctor can sort out the right balance of eye drops for your Dad. (Gail remembers too well the challenges of multiple types of eye drops for her father, who also had glaucoma plus other issues in his later years).
ReplyDeleteAnyway, its good to hear from you all (and sweet tuneful Piper) and Gail and I wish you all the best for a less eventful remainder of 2019.
Toodle pip!
Oh my on dad and Lightening. Prayers all around. If it's not one thing it's six other things. It's the way of life. We don't have to like it, but the peeps are taking good care of all of you.
ReplyDeleteThank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.
Have a fabulous Happy Tuesday. My best to your peeps. ♥
We are crossing our paws and sending all the POTP we can to Lightning and your dad. You all sure have been busy. It's so sweet to hear Piper singing. Does he chirp away all day or are there quiet times?
ReplyDeleteOh my goodness, poor Lightning and poor Dad. We'll sure be thinking of you both and sending POTP your way and an extra dose for your poor stressed Mom. I'm glad Misty, Timber and Piper are doing well though. Hugs from all of us.
ReplyDeleteOh my! What a wild past few months it has been for you all. We are sending lots and lots of POTP for Lightning, your Dad...and your Mama. Here's to a better 2020!
ReplyDeletexoxo (and extra hugs from Mama),
Rosy, Jakey & Arty
Oh my goodness! How busy can one family be?! You all sure have had a lot on your plate (and I'm not talking treats either!). First of all we sure do hope that your Dad's eye does NOT get worse. Sounds like it's a tough thing to keep under control but we are sending him POTP. As for you Woos, I'm so sorry about Lightning - those DO sound like focal seizures....we have a kitty buddy who has those. All three of you look wonderful though I must say. You are so lucky to have a Mom who takes such good care of you and keeps her eyes on you all the time so she notices things that might be "off". We hope and pray that ALL of you will do better and better.....your doctor man is right - you three are beautiful and sweet sibes!!!
ReplyDeleteHugs to all,
Teddy and Mom Pam too
WOW! That was an extremely busy month. You know you can count on our POTP. It’s coming your way! And Piper is quite the singer!
ReplyDeleteI am sending lots of healing prayers to your Dad that his new eye medicine
ReplyDeleteis the perfect blend he needs. I hope the Grand boys continue to heal too.
Yikes I cannot imagine how painful either injury was. Especially Twin J biting his tongue so hare. I hope it didn't bother his eating. Texas J must have taken a hard hit. Tell Mom she has to STAY WELL she is in charge of your house.
Oh my word my sweet Woos. Timber I bet if you asked Misty nicely she would happily give you a few of her extra ounces. Well done on your physicals my friends.
Lightning darling bless your Sibe heart. I hope and pray there will be no more possible seizure episodes and I send lots of purrs that your eye becomes stable.
Piper has a beautiful voice.
This comment comes with lots of healing hugs and POTP for everyone
Thanks for the update. Wow, it has been very busy. We pray for your dad. Mom had her cataracts done. We know it is not nearly as serious as your dad, but we know somewhat what you are going through. Oh, Lightning. The bad angels won't let you go will they? We are praying for you my friend. We hope those bad seizures leave you alone. Prayers for all of you
ReplyDeleteWow - you guys have all had your share of upset. Lots of POTP is coming your way, Lightning, and we send your dad lots of positive vibes. Piper sings such beautiful songs!
ReplyDeleteHari Om
ReplyDeleteOMD, I jus' knew it, when I wuz writing out your card and asking for news, I knew 'in me watters' that you had lots to tell us like this. I too will keep up the POTP for both dad and Lightning... heck all of you, cuz the carers and helpers need support too!!! You tell mum that it is lovely for us to see you all and hear your news, but that she mustn't worry too much if she can't post too regularly - life is like that sometimes and we will always be here ready to greet you when she can share you with us!!!
And Piper... bravo! bravo!! bravo!!! Hugs wags and twitteries, YAM-aunty xxx
WOW! That is a lot going on. I am sorry about your Dad's eyes. Also sorry Lightning is having troubles. I hope things improve for all. XO
ReplyDeleteWe're so sorry you've all been having such a hard time lately. Sending lots of POTP and hugs your way! We loved hearing Piper sing!
ReplyDeleteWells..crap! I can totally understand the super duper buziness you guys have been having! Sendin' lots of POTP to your Pops. Eye probs are NO funs at all! I gots my paws crossed for him!!!
ReplyDeleteAnd, I am super happy that you guys (Misty and Timber) are doin' so well! HIGH PAW guys!!!
Lightning my pal...I knew had been thinkin' of you for a reason. well, crap on a stick! (sorry, Ma says that a lot...I pick up the worst habits from her....) I hopes your episodes are done, and you don't gets any more of them. And, I hopes your wound heals up...maybe some oral antibiotics will do the trick.
Tell the grands that an Airedale and her Ma in CA are virtually cheerin' them on for their routines! High Paw to them!!!
phew! boy, I thinks your Moms deserves a truck load of margaritas....want I drive overs??? ☺
Ruby ♥
OMD, you Woos can't ever take things easy, can you? Well, furst I'm very glad that Misty and Timber had good health reports, and especially that Misty doesn't have to go on the dreaded D-I-E-T. The NERVE of your momma calling you chunky!!
ReplyDeleteBut I very much hope that your daddy and Lightning both get better. It doesn't sound like you're having any fun at all, and you're driving your poor momma to distraction. Give her an early Christmas present of getting healthy, okay?
Thanks so much for the updates, I'm glad everyone is holding steady, sending purrs and prayers for our favorite pack and the humans who are caring for them. POTP.
ReplyDeleteWe are sorry to be a day late on this one. And we were very sorry about all the troubles you have been having, Lightning. It is absolutely not fair, especially that you are such a good boy. All of us at Poupounette Central are crossing everything we've got that things will settle down for you. We are also sending lots of good vibes for your Dad.
Ollie (and the rest of the Gang + #1)
hugs to you all and lots of potp and we send lots of healing thoughts to your grand boys and to your daddy and to you lightning... and we hope that all dark clouds will disappear over da woo-kingdom
ReplyDeleteIt's good to hear from you guys. Boy you have really had a lot to deal with. Hopefully, this is it for the rest of the year and then some. Sending oodles of poodles of POTP Lightning with digital hugs to everyone.
ReplyDeleteoh my. I wish I could hug every single one of you!
ReplyDeletesending you love and healing thoughts my sweet Lightning.
bless your Mom for her patience and care.
and special thoughts for your dad and his sight.
I don't comment but I read every single post. you are SPECIAL.
each one of you! and little singing Piper!
love you
Your whole family deserves hugs, hugs, hugs. What a month. I thought that mine was tough but it pales by comparison. I hope with all my heart that your dad's eye gets better. And, Lightning - you will be okay. Your mom has your back, and she is the best mom in the world.
ReplyDeleteLots of love to all of you.
Oh dear friends, that is a whole lot to deal with. We are sending a whole lot of prayers and POTP for everyone
Mabel & Hilda
Oh, sweet Lightning! I hope you start getting some good news soon. And best wishes for your dad -- that's scary stuff.
ReplyDeleteWow you have a bird that lives inside with you!!! We are very envious all ours live outside and fly away when we try to talk to them.
ReplyDeleteWell except for the hummers they actually FUSS at Mom if she forgets to fill the feeders. We thinks they are tiny cats, as Mom says they are as demanding as the cats are.
We hope they have found the right eye mix of medicine for you Dad. Our Grandpa suffers for Macular Degeneration (the wet kind) so we know how scary it is to have something wrong with your eyes. Poor Grandpa is already deaf so it is really scary to him, as he reads lips to communicate.
Misty, we are glad you got a good report and your vet has found a way to deal with your allergies to vaccines.
Timber, it sounds like you got an awesome report.
Lightening, we have our purrs going full force for you. We are so sorry to hear you will never be able to run again. We know you must miss running and playing with your siblings. We are sending you lots and lots of love and healing.
Oh my goodness, far too much to deal with at one time, but isn't that how it goes sometimes? When it rains...
ReplyDeleteGood healing thoughts and prayers sent to you all, humans and canines! And extra petting of the pups helps to calm the mind...
Take good care!
Kiki, Rosie and their Mom!
Oh you poor boy, your Mom must be so worried about you. We've had some of those problems and they are no fun. Noah had eye drops and ointments for years and they really helped him. If your Mom needs to talk we're always here.