Friday, November 15, 2019

Decorating for Christmas... and Finished ( or not) Friday

Does the title scare you a little?  

Sorry - My family thinks you should not decorate or start listening to Christmas music until Thanksgiving is over... but this year... I am already starting ---- sort of!!

My friend found the cutest cactus Christmas tree.. and we all got to talking .... 
I started thinking about maybe a Blue and Silver(white) themed Christmas...

And I don't really decorate much ( mostly because I hate putting it away)

Then I thought - what if I got all of my Blue quilts out, and started throwing them on the couches? I mean it would be like the decorations are sneaking up on us right?

Would you believe..... I have exactly ONE Blue and White quilt.... THAT IS IT!! Who knew this?

So there you go! I decorated for Christmas!!!  Ha Ha!
( and now I am pulling Blues to make more Blue quilts!)

Here is what I actually got done!  Do you remember Flags for Sue? This is one of the tops I made from those blocks - and NOW!! it is Quilted!!  Ready to be bound - which is perfect - we have awarded almost all of our Quilts of Valor, and now we need to get busy finishing more!

I believe at last count we have awarded 22 of these quilts now - so cool to Honor Sue this way - and so neat to spread it out,.... makes me think of her each time I work on one!

Its your turn!!
BRAG about your Finishes or your Not Finishes....
Please make sure you use a direct link - that way... I can go directly to the post you want to brag about!



Linking to:
Can I get a whoop whoop
TGIF Friday


Gretchen Weaver said...

That's a great idea to decorate with blue & white quilts. I love the ocean waves quilt. I also don't decorate for Christmas because I dislike putting the stuff away. I do put out a creche though, the grands love that and I can handle putting that away. Happy Stitching!

Home Sewn By Us said...

Good Morning Alycia! That blue and white quilt is sure beautiful! Now you have an excuse to get started on another one since you need at least one more for companionship. I'm off to read about Flags for Sue - that quilt turned out fab as well. ~smile~ Roseanne

Preeti said...

Christmas reminds me of candy canes (among other things) which are red and white. Since you are the queen of QOV quilts there is always plenty of red and white (and blue too) in your studio and your posts. Therefore in my opinion your house is always decorated for Christmas. And for those who wish to focus on the Christmas spirit instead of decorations I have three words - Quilts of Valor!!! You, my find, are always ready for Christmas - spirit, miracles and decorations!!!

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

I normally do not decorate until about Dec 5th or so but this year daughter #2 and granddaughter will be here for an early thanksgiving 3 days before the holiday so we will decorate then as we rarely see her for the holidays and it will be fun to have the help and she hasn't see the old decorations in a long time.

Sherrill said...

I've given up decorating for the most part since it's just me and I also hate packing it up and putting it away. I might put out a few small things. It's funny you talked about blue and white as I just started Bonnie's Jamestown Landing as it's one I've wanted to make since the first time I saw it! I have another blue and neutral in progress that I need to revisit.

The Colorful Fabriholic said...

I'm amazed you have only one blue quilt, but the one you have is a beauty! I see blue plaid churn dashes in your future....

chrisknits said...

I am trying to not start decorating early, but that doesn't mean I can't start crafting! So I am in the middle of making a new Christmas Wreath! Thanks for linking up to TGIFF!

qypsyquilterdesigns said...

I've been collecting a few silver and blue ornaments at a time; however, I won't be decorating at all this year . . . as I'm painting inside. So you can borrow my blue and white quilts if you'd like. Just drop by this weekend and we'll figure out how many there are.

Anja @ Anja Quilts said...

I, too, don't like to decorate because I hate taking it all down and packing i away. No Christmas until December 1!!!! Although I might have been watching some Christmas movies... ha ha ha ha

Susan said...

When we're out of town during Christmas, getting out the Christmas quilts was my one and only form of decorating. And was plenty!

grammajudyb said...

I don’t have a blue and white quilt! Christmas decorating will have to wait till after Thanksgiving! I can’t multi-decorate!