
Zoey: Mom had to go to the dentist and get her teeth scrubbed under the gums! But that’s not the horrifying part, the dentist suggested she start using an electric toothbrush and waterpic to avoid the procedure in the future.
So she bought one and the horror began. First she put toothpaste on the electric toothbrush and turned it on before putting it in her mouth, toothpaste went EVERYWHERE! I skeedaddled!

You would think she would learn her lesson from that, so I went back in to help her with the waterpic part. She had a hard time figuring out the buttons and was playing with them outside her mouth when the thing started, spurting water right in her face and EVERYWHERE!
It was horrifying!

Emmett: Horrifying is the word Sis, I do NOT like waterpics AT ALL! When Mom pulls out that contraption, I skeeeeedaddle!
Cat Mom: I felt like I was in an ‘I Love Lucy’ episode with that thing!
I’m thankful I have finally figured out my waterpic – it makes my mouth feel like I’ve just left the dentist for a cleaning when I’ve finished.
Have y’all ever used a waterpic? Is it just me or is it a comedy routine the first time for everyone?

Lone Star Cats
My momma has one too – and she says she managed to squirt herself too!
The Island Cats
The mom’s dentist told the mom the same thing. She hasn’t gotten one of those brushes yet…and may reconsider!
Brian Frum
The Mom and Dad have those things here too and yes, the first time with the Water Pic is water wars fur sure! Thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!
Eastside Cats
I can just imagine your “I Love Lucy!” episode!
I do not yet have either of these contraptions, although I promised myself that I would get them years ago. Am visiting an orthodontist soon, and if I decide to travel that road, I’ll probably need better dental cleaning instruments like yours!
The Kitty Cat Enthusiast (Rhonda)
Oh gosh, haha, that seems like quite the scenario!
I don’t have a waterpic nor do I use an electric toothbrush, so I honestly can’t say that the same wouldn’t happen to me
Oh my, I’ve been through this. I don’t use either of them for the same reason stated here. Messy and then some.
Have a purrfect day. My best to your mom. ♥
Ellen Pilch
My hubby uses it faithfully, but I am too lazy. I really should though.
caren gittleman
My Mom has to have that gum cleaning for EVERY cleaning…and…Mom uses an electric toothbrush (ok she uses it SOMETIMES), usually she uses her manual one and she does use a Waterpik too…….they actually do a good job though, if I would use them lol
I don’t want to admit the problems I’ve had with these and I have pledged my dogs to silence.
I used a water pic as a kid. hated it.
The Swiss Cats
MOL ! Our humans never used one, but now they’re warned ! Purrs
Haven’t used either contraption in years, although i do seem to recall a comedy of errors trying to learn them.
Melissa & Mudpie
Too bad there’s no video of these moments! MOL
Kathe W.
I had to chuckle over your novice episodes with new dental devices! I bet those kitties skedaddled!
Timmy Tomcat
We think Dad will have less of an issue with those. He takes his teeth out so he could do it over the sink Hee Hee
Three Chatty Cats
Oh gosh, sounds like your mom better practice with that!