
This and that

 The gluten free pizza dough makes great garlic knots.  I will have  to adjust the seasoning next time (too salty) but otherwise they were terrific.  Some kitchen experiments work really well.  Others …. not so much.  23 and Me just filed for bankruptcy.  Glad I did my genetic test through Latest obsession…the Merlin app (thanks,  Alana ).  So far it’s helped me identify four birds at my house — cardinals, mourning doves, house sparrows and 🥰🥰🥰🥰   robins .  In fact, when I woke up Monday morning I could hear birds singing…Merlin identified the singers as American robins.   (Bet you can’t figure out why a girl named Robin would like robins 😆😆😆  Just because there’s a sign in my home office that reads “Robin’s Nest” …) I may have to keep Merlin open while I’m taking my walks. No walk yesterday — cold and rainy.  Winter is refusing to leave.  I am not happy.   But there are definite signs o...

More ramblings

 Biggest chore of the weekend?  I rearranged my closet and my dresser drawers and got an organizer for my shoes,  Found a few things that I forgot I had.  And added a few things to the “donate” pile. I had to make room for the new stuff.    Yes, I did a little bit of shopping.  I want some cute clothes for all the things we plan to do this summer.  We didn’t do much in the summer of 2023 because we moved house.   And we didn’t do much last summer because we moved again and because of Becca’s wedding. But things have settled down now.  We have our baseball tickets.  We also have a membership in the Wildlife Conservation Society, which means free admission to the Bronx Zoo and the New York Aquarium.  We like to make a day out of visiting the wineries on the North Fork.   And we’re planning a trip to visit friends in Florida.  We’ve asked Jen to cat sit.  Both felines like her.  I’m not surprised that Shadow li...

Music Monday

 The theme?  Spring time again.  And some feel good songs … And time for a laugh.

We went to Flavortown

 So last night we went to  The Pit Stop .   That’s the spaghetti squash primavera, the dish the owner prepared for  Guy Fieri . Here’s the  recipe .


 So welcome spring … though recent days have been chilly and damp. But warmer days are coming, and I will be prepared.  I just ordered some sundresses.  In a size I haven’t worn since before my children are born.  We have all our Ducks in a row … yes, we’ve purchased tickets for 9 Ducks games.  And we’re going to at least one Mets game. Still working on the tickets for that… Jen was here last night.  She comes every two weeks to do laundry, she doesn’t have a washer and dryer.  We do dinner and hang out whenever she’s here.  I love seeing my baby … I just wish I could spend more time with Becca, too. Have you noticed how many TV commercials are using hit songs from the 1960’s, 1970’s and 1980’s as their jingles?  So annoying … Another sad reminder that life is short … yesterday our dear friend F called.  Her housemate died.  A was in his 50’s, but he’d been sick since New Year’s.  A and his son rented rooms in F’s house, but th...

Saturday 9

  Photograph Welcome to  Saturday: 9 . What we've committed to our readers is that we will post 9 questions every Saturday. Sometimes the post will have a theme, and at other times the questions will be totally unrelated. Those weeks we do "random questions," so-to-speak. We encourage you to visit other participants posts and leave a comment. Because we don't have any rules, it is your choice. We hate rules. We love memes, however, and here is today's meme! Saturday 9: Photograph (1973) Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it  here . 1) In this song, Ringo stumbles upon a photograph that reminds him of a lost love. Are there any photos displayed in the room you're in right now? Of course!  There are  photos of my daughters and photos of  Drew and me. 2) While there are approximately 180 published songs credited to Lennon-McCartney, this is the only song written by Harrison-Starr. When you think of Ringo's old band, the Beatles, what's the first s...