
Friday, September 27, 2019

Kaleidoscope Quilt

My Kaleidoscope quilt was finished last Fall but I only put on the label today.  Even though I called this "the little quilt that could" it was hard to let go and say it was all done. I had a ruler that I used to cut the wedges and a different pattern I used for the placing of darks and light fabrics. After I had sized my blocks I realized that the ruler and pattern had different dimensions and the blocks would have mismatched points. I ended up redesigning it in EQ6 with the sashing and litle blocks. I also worked on the border as the fabric was bought when the quilt was to be much smaller. This all started from a few fat quarters that my son gave me one Mother's Day. It has become one of my favourite quilts and I keep it on my bed. It reminds me what can be created with hard work and determination.

I like it much better than what it would have originally looked like. It was a true labour of love.

Linking to Can I Get A Whoop, Whoop.


1 Yvonne said...

Your quilting process sounds like mine. Start with a bit of fabric, get an idea. Obtain more fabric, have reason to make some creative design changes, get even more creative, and finally end up with a gorgeous quilt that is beautiful and a piece of art as no one will ever have another one just like it even in different fabrics!

I can see why you'd be using it all the time, it would be shame to put something that beautiful on a shelf.

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous! I don’t think I’ve ever seen a sashed kaleidoscope quilt, but I love it.

3 Louise said...

This is truly beautiful! It just glows, almost like a stained glass window with the sashing. Great finish :)

4 laughing gas quilts said...

That's a great quilt! The colours are lovely, and the design is unique. As you noted, it wouldn't be nearly as special if all had gone according to plan.Congratulations!

5 Lin said...

Stunning! I love it. xx