Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Hiking in Utah: Antelope Canyon, Page, Arizona

We leave Utah for Antelope Canyon in Page, Arizona on Labor Day. Many people have recommended a hike into this famous slot canyon. The only way to visit Antelope Canyon is with a Native American guide, as the canyon is on a Native American reservation.

One photograph taken here in Antelope Canyon by Peter Lik in 2014, a black-and-white photo named Phantom, is believed to be the most expensive photograph in the world, selling for 6.5 million dollars. You can take your own million dollar photo at Antelope Canyon. Every photo is a million dollar photo.

Our guide is Leland Yellowfeather. He helps us take many beautiful pictures.

There have been many flash floods in Antelope Canyon. Flash floods are dangerous in slot canyons. Here's a video from a flash flood in 2013. We are glad we did not see this video before we visited Antelope Canyon.

Antelope Canyon Hike Statistics:
Monday, September 2, 2019
Page, Arizona
Antelope Canyon Upper Loop
.25 mi.
120 ft. deep
1 hr. 

For more wordless photos, go to Wordless Wednesday.

Saturday Snapshot is hosted by A Web of StoriesTo participate in Saturday Snapshot: post a photo that you (or a friend or family member) have taken and then leave a direct link to your post in the Mister Linky at A Web of Stories.


  1. The rock formations are amazing and I love the lines and textures.

  2. Deb,

    Amazing canyon and pictures! WOW, that video really gives me heebie-geebies! In the spring of 1977, our small rural community in southern WV suffered from flash flooding. That was really scary, too. We were fortunate to get out of harms way to safety at a church that sat on the hill where many of our neighbors went, too. After the storm passed, the water receeded, then thats when we saw the horrible devastation around us. Thankfully, our home was spared any damage. You're welcome to come join my Wild Wednesdays linky party where just about anything goes! Have a blessed week, my friend!

  3. Oh my gosh, those photos are amazing!

  4. These look like amazing rock-formations! I've only seen pictures of these but would love to see them for real, some day! The video was scary though! One would like to hope that with such eventualities, the damages are minimum and lives are spared.

    Thank you for sharing this and joining us for #ww this week. Have a lovely rest of the week.


  5. awesome. i want those same pics of me and mr wonderful. we have been to numerous places in the vegas area and did make it to the grand canyon, but we both want to see all the parks out west.
    sherry @ fundinmental

  6. WOW! The rock formations are incredible! They look so alien-like!

  7. Wow! Stunning sights!
    Thanks for sharing at

  8. Page is one of those places which I wanted to visit but never made it yet, though we've been living in Arizona for the last 12 years. Those are some brilliant captures, million dollar photos indeed.
    That video definitely is scary.

  9. GREAT photos, but I think my touch of claustrophobia would kick in. LOL

  10. Those are stunning images. I did leave a comment last week. Wonder if it got swallowed up.

    Our linky is now live for this week. Hope to see you hop in for the fun, Deb.

  11. Wow, that is stunning. Thanks for sharing (I just ignored the video 😘)


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