Hey, something’s different outside. The light is different somehow. It’s the angle or the slant or something. Whatever it is, I know different when I see it. And I know something’s different.
It’s just a different time of year, Tessa. We’re in fall now.

Hey, no fair! Tessa didn’t read my ManCat Monday blog post wherein I SAID IT WAS AUTUMN NOW!

Good grief, brother! Someone might be just a bit too focused on their own personal blog posts, don’t you think?

That’s a switch! For once, crabby sister Tessa isn’t calling me the different one!
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
A Colehaus Cats flashback:
2018 – No post
2017 – The Monday Pffft
2016 – No post
2015 – A Friday with Tessa
2014 – No post
2013 – Wordless Words for Wednesday
2012 – No post
I love those big teefies!
I’m a bit confused too, kitties! As much as I prefer the cooler temps, I really don’t like the extra darkness either.
Tessa I dont blame you for not listening to the brofur. They are so often wrong. But it is fall dear
Miss Fitz
Tessa, mommy starts saying in late August she sees the difference in sun slant. She LOVES it. She too doesn’t like the dark mornings at get up time BUT she sure will enjoy the cooks when they finally get here.
guyz….we getta lotta.. who said… whooz postin… whooz taken credit… round heer two…. ~~
The weather here is still trying to decide what season it is!
But y’all are really, really cute!
Hey, it’s hard to keep up with what’s going on…..
It seems to have gone from summer to one day of autumn, and right into winter here.
Great pics! We quite like the longer nights here as we like snuggling up all cosy
The weather here has been waffling back and forth. We THINK fall is coming, but the temps disagree!