Sunday, September 22, 2019

Pirate Selfies...A Little Late...

We missed Pirate Day...Yarghh! So now we have to be satisfied with our semi Talk Like A Pirate Day, cause Petcretary was at her work...We be not too jovial about missing that fun day, but here we are anyways! AHOY!
We be Ferocious PiratePups...

So you'd best not mess with us. BOL!  Yargh!
The pups made 'live' selfies for pirates, but Pipo said he just wanted to be a virtual pirate, so...he made petcretary choose to walk the plank or make him a pirate picture, MOL! Aarrgghhhhh!
Don't even think about raiding my treasures and booty...
 We helped *her* make some cards, too:
Pandora, from Basil, the Bionic Cat
Rumpy, from Tomcat Commentary
MistyMay & Mau, from The Kitties Blue

Joanie & Sammy, from 15&Meowing


  1. You are all just the cutest pirates - you should have your own Pirate Day for sure!

  2. Hi my pirate friends you all look wonderfur! Thanks so much for Rumpy Bumps Card and Einsteins too! The reason Dad was thinking of his Oma was because Fortuna was sitting on top of her lace. We think it is from Germany and is at least 70 years old. Wow
    Purrs and woofs friends

  3. Aaaarrrrgggghhhh! Me timbers have been shivered, ye be having a bounty of fun!

  4. Better late than never. You all make great pirates. And Joanie and Sammy thank you for the beautiful card. XO

  5. I forgot pirate day altogether! Oh well!

  6. ooooh we love the pirate photos... and you found some gold coins? let's go in da next tavern to buy a bottle with rhum ;O)

  7. You are all A+ Pirates no matter the day ... and all your cards are FunTasTic and it's always to special of you to remember all those days for every-furry!

  8. We missed Pirate day because of ghostwriter's work. But it was fun to see what everybody else did to celebrate. You pups look like proper swashbucklers! Pipo too!

  9. ya mite a mizzed de day but ewe dawgz iz ROCKIN yur pie ratz day gear !!! 984 pawz UP as uz catz say !!! ☺☺☺☺☺☺

  10. Well you sure made Mom be busy after missing Pirate Day! Them pirate pups look fierce. We missed Pirate Day too - guess Katie Mom should walk the plank! ARrrgh... but we haz to forgives her cause she was saving us kitties - Johnny and Lucky Boy (come see our selfies!

  11. You did the Pirate Day talking well, mateys. What swabs say it hasta be done on the very day? We be breakers of rules and laws. And what Cap'n would be hangin a calender in 'is cabin, right?

    Well, mebbe one of cute kittens or hummingbirds. We all like the rembrences of our lubber days as beloved kitties afore we went ta plundering treats and canned chicken. Reminds us of our saintly moffers...

  12. You look so wonderful dressed like pirates for Pirate Day. We know you will find the treasure of treats. Thanks for sharing the cute selfie photos. Have a wonderful upcoming weekend.
    World of Animals

  13. We published your lovely graphic for Micah's special day last night. Thank you so much for making it. And for reminding us about it. We send kitty purrs and some sloppy kisses (Marcus).
