keskiviikko 14. elokuuta 2019

ABC Christmas Challenge: R & Crafty Hazelnut's Christmas Challenge #450

Kokosin kortin Hobbykaart-lehden materiaaleilla, joita höystin J.K. Primecon kuviopaperilla ja ääriviivatarroilla. Osallistun kortillani ABC Christmas -haasteeseen, jonka teema on porot, ja Crafty Hazelnut's Christmas -haasteeseen, jonka teema on kortti ilman leimakuvaa.

5 kommenttia:

  1. Love the colours and graphic reindeer image. Thank you very much for joining us at ABC Christmas Challenge :) Lynda DT

  2. Oh I love the reindeer image. So pretty!
    Thanks for joining us at Craftyhazelnuts Christmas challenge blog. Sorry I am a little late with commenting! Better late than never though! :)
    Happy crafting!
    Catherine x DT

  3. What a fantastic image! I love your card :)

  4. Beautiful card! I love the image. Thank you for joining us at ABC Christmas Challenge. Luv, Wilma

  5. Wonderful card!
    Thanks so much for playing at the ABC Christmas Challenge!
    Helen x
