My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Happy Tuesday at the Cat Nip Lounge

Thank you to our

 We thank our Hostess Sandee at

 Comedy Plus

Dearest Auntie HiC

Everyone come quickly I have

PSA (Purr Service Announcement) 

 I, Rocky, recently embarked on an exciting business venture, opening The Catnip Lounge, a hangout for cool cats and kittens! 

Our menu features catnip-infused treats like a bowl of catnip, a catnip banana, and a catnip ball. We also serve snacks for the catnip munchies! 

 Cali got a little carried away, 

She had to show her ID...she became a bit miffed

You’re all cordially invited to join us. Should you overindulge, we’ll provide comfortable accommodations for you to rest and recover. 

Party on, y’all!

❤️ Rocky

Dearest Nephew Rocky, 
I am so very proud of your new business venture.  The decor is very classy I love the glow from the tealight under the insulator.
Mom is a genius at editin!” 😹😹😹g, special effects and the music is purrfect.
Cali did get really into the theme.  I loved the yellow stars as the clip changed.  WOW
It will be all the cat's meow place to be seen. Love it and carding Cali hilarious we all know that girl has contacts in the Feline underworld who will make her a fake id. 
Auntie HiC

Mom says: As a renowned artist would say, “My feline companions are my constant source of inspiration"

Monday, March 17, 2025

Awww Monday Happy St. Patrick's Day flash backs

 We thank our Hostess Sandee at Comedy Plus   

This is from March 2017

Angle Madi was all about a Part-ee

Happy St. Patrick's Day

March 17 2016

March 17, 2013


Now we would like to share some our favorite 

An Irish limerick by Madi
There once was a cat named Madi
She told all she was no fatty
She jumped high and low
Ran to and fro
Just to prove it was a fib told by the ratty.

Sunday, March 16, 2025

Easy Sunday

 February photo file.  It was a wet and cold.  We took our EMW's in the 

Mall.. at 9 am .  Most stores open at 10.
The window dressing of a perfume shop.

Saturday, March 15, 2025

Snicker and Symmetry Saturday

Snicker worthy Symmetry 

by Piccolo and Hilary B. Price



Friday, March 14, 2025

Nature Friday in Cameron Village Feline FLASHBACK WITH MADI

  Nature Friday host LLB Gang   

Mom Beth and the Girls made a beautiful new 
Nature Friday Badge honoring the Memory of our friend 


I don't know how old this tree is but I do 
know it is huge and take on March 1.
Itty bitty bits of green were sprouting too.

I plan to take more photos when it is full of leaves.

Click here Hostess Miss Mimi 

Thank you for hosting!


MARCH 11, 2011

Madi loved the camera and the camera loved Madi
 I found this poem in Chicken Soup for the Soul: Lovin' Our cats.  It describes Madi purrfectly.
It was written for a male cat. I changed it to fit the Diva.

Under her Spell
Tami Sandlin
I can feel her watching me
Through golden eyes, unblinking
And I can't help but wonder
Just what it is she is thinking.
I know her habits, I know her ways
But her moods are hard to tell
The only thing I know for sure is
She knows I'm under her spell
For eating she has claimed my nicest dish
To nap, my favorite chair
And anytime I want to sit,
She is comfortably resting there.
For play, she's got expensive toys
To chase and romp and caper
But still she is only happy with
A balled-up piece of paper!
She is always begging for attention
To be scratched beneath her chin
And when my writing takes me away from her
She steals my writing pen!
Despite our unique relationship
People ask "Just who owns who?"
It's really nice to have someone
To look forward to come home to.
And so, I stay enchanted with
This crazy pet of mine
For nothing keeps you spellbound

Like a furry finicky feline.