Music Monday

Today's theme is "Songs By Your Favorite American Idol or The Voice Contestant"

Well, that would be Kelly Clarkson.

I never watched season one of American Idol, completely missed the whole Justin and Kelly thing, but Kelly is the reason I later became a fan of the show.

Let me explain.

January 2004.  My daughter Jen (then age 13) and my daughter Becca (age 11) were huge fans of American Idol.  And when they said "Mom, Kelly Clarkson and Clay Aiken are going on tour together!  They're coming to Long Island!  Can we go, Mom?  Please?"

So I found myself at the Nassau Coliseum.

And there was Kelly, in a ponytail and sneakers, playing the guitar as she sang.

And I became a fan.

And I started watching the show, too.


Her debut single:

and then one of my favorites:

Are you in this relationship or are you out?

But then her hits got darker...bad relationships,breakups, emerging stronger form it....

She performed this one on what was supposed to be the final season of American Idol....


  1. Robin,

    I loved attending your Kelly Clarkson concert this morning. You picked the idol for which all American Idol are judged on and what big shoes each contestant must fill, too. I never really clicked mewsically with Kelly. I think it's because of how she's bounced around over the years trying to find her niche. I like her as a judge on The Voice. She seems very down to earth. Thanks for joining the 4M crew on the dance floor this week. Have a boogietastic week, my dear!

  2. Now that's a different way to look at it. Nothing, but Kelly she really is her own royal tower isn't she. It's a great Post... totally rockin' & a great tribute to the first winner, Kelly Clarkson of American Idol! YOU ROCK girlfriend! Thanks for joining Monday's Music Moves Me with me & my girls! HUGS! HAVE A ROCKIN' DAY!

  3. I didn't start watching American Idol until season two (when my brother in law's wife insisted "you have to watch this show!") so I missed Kelly competing. I really haven't followed her but I will pay more attention now. Two of these songs really got me: Walk Away and Stronger (Whatever Doesn't Kill You) great beats and great messages. Alana


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