Friday, July 19, 2019

Nature Friday and Coffee Time

Last Sunday we both got to go with Mom 
to Coffee time at her friends house

This is one of our hosts, Cricket.
Cricket is a therapy dog and visits the hospital

Thanks for bringing us Mom!

Mabel was happy she got to come too

Once again I found some new laps to sit in

Mom says I am very social

Mabel & I played with a ball while the peeps visited

But the best part was exploring the beautiful yard

We are the PugRanch Kids
Mabel & Hilda


  1. oh that#s amazing to see how much friends you made in such a short time... but that's normal for pugs, right? we all love pugs and they are the breed what makes da world go round ;O)

  2. What a fun time for you girls and the yard is just beautiful!

  3. I bet you never have any trouble finding laps to sit in, Hilda!

  4. What a great place to visit! I bet you hot lots of treats too.

  5. It sure looks like you are having a fun time on that visit. Meeting new peeps and pups is always good for a young one like you Hilda.

  6. Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh 2 of my favorite things huggy puggy's and coffee
    You 3 ladies are having a wonderful summer
    Hugs cecilia

  7. How awesome is that. I know you have a kind mom who likes to take you places but you also are two well behaved dogs who your mom does not have to worry about getting into trouble.

  8. You are indeed quite the wee social butterfly Hilda!

  9. Looks like such a fun time. Glad you got to meet a new friend. Cricket is adorable. It's always great to find new laps to sit in and get cuddles. Thanks for sharing the lovely photos. Have a wonderful weekend.
    World of Animals

  10. Hari OM
    golly, Hilda, you are growing up so quickly and look at you all socially integrated and all that!!! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  11. We think that's fantastic you were included on the coffee morning. Did you play 'lost in the jungle' while you were exploring that fantastic garden?

  12. That is so nice that you both got to go with Mom. Did you get some tidbits from whatever went with the coffee?

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  13. What a FUN day you and Mabel had!! We loved watching you walk around the garden...and we agree with your Mama, you are a very social little girl!
    Rosy, Jakey & Arty

  14. What great fun for you! One of my favorite things to do is get together with friends, and if one of our dogs gets to go too, it's even better!! Glad you had a nice visit!

    Enjoy your weekend!!

  15. Hilda - that's such a great way for you you to meet nice new people! I bet that it was super fun for you! And the yard was gorgeous!!!!

  16. Oh, how funs!!!!! I am so jealous! new furiends, and new yardie to sniff???! score!
    Ruby ♥

  17. It must be wonderful to visit friends and explore a new yard! I'd hold you in my lap too. XXOO

  18. It's fun to find new laps and a beautiful yard is like the cherry on top! 🍒

  19. You can come visit us, too, mabel and Hilda. Once I'm done barking at you, we can all play. Xox Xena

  20. It looks like a good time was had by ALL!!

  21. Isnt it fun to visit the peeps friends?
