I like getting surprise books in the mail from my friend Shannon! (http://imworkingonaproject)
It was an amazing surprise to get this, I've wanted to purchase one at the quilt stores but wouldn't let myself, so this is a perfect gift!
Shannon has a quilt in it, go check it out!
I like that my elephant ear bulb is now sprouted, with tiny heart shaped leaves... they should be the size of a window, soon I hope.
I like that I have a little tomato, zucchini, and green beans
I like seeing my vegetables finally forming. I learned my bush beans give one harvest only so pick your time to pluck them, then let it go. Apparently Farmers have to keep planting bushes to keep a yield coming all season. I hope to have some tomatoes before first frost. It's harsher here with more extremes than other places I've lived. My elephant ears are finally leafing out. Small but there a sign of life and growth and very encouraging. I hope they are tall before first frost too. I learned to start my buds under a grow light in a protected space next year.
I finished The Lake House by Kate Morton and it was fascinating to the end! Loved the reader of the CD. I've ordered more books on cd by her from the library. They kept me working in the hot studio, and out of the kitchen.
I liked this TED talk a lot... if you want to have fun, learn to draw a cartoon face with different expressions, with just a few very simple lines, it's fun. Plus his theory is it is very healing to communication for people who had strokes.
This is the little drawing I made one morning while listening to him.
In his next video, he tells of a study done, that showed people remembered more words if they did a simple drawing of a word. Then I remembered being in university, and taking a lot of notes in lectures. Just by taking a note, I remembered the facts (I do like facts) and thought, well I'm kinesthetic (tactile) but now I know everyone can increase their memory by making or visualizing a little drawing.
I wonder if I could use this to remember people's names? Sometimes I hear a name, and immediately forget it. It doesn't work to make an association like I've heard... ("Lucy" think of lucille Ball) nope, I still forget. Maybe if I draw a lucy picture in my mind?
I love the outline pen I got last weekend. Black, really black. Not the smallest nib, one that is .05 which gives a sharp but dramatic line. Still thin but visible and strong. Pigma Micron 05. The sharpies I tried to use smelled awful to me and gave me a little headache. This has no scent to me.

Did you know there are four Crayola Experience stores in the US where you can design your own box of crayons or markers? The closest one to me is in AZ, 13 hours away by car.
I loved my crayons, the box of 64 with the sharpener in the back, Hours of fun. Loved coloring books. Loved getting a new box of crayons, the smell, no cracked ones. I have a box of prisma color pencils that kind of opens up to look like the old 64 box, and I keep the pencils all lined up in it.
The other stores are in MN, PA and TX. You can have a color with your name on it, isn't that a grand gift?
Milo's Moments
Note: A flamingo, a cow, and a poodle walk into a bar.... |
It wants to be with me not on the table, Mama!!! |
I do not like it laying around unsupervised, so I carry it with me. It even squeaks!
I've liked playing with my dog friends this week, and Murphy's daddy said, "Is that Milo??? Murphy loves to have you over for a play date, come see me!"
I tried to tell him, I like you Mr. Paul but although some dogs are into obedience, I'm not really that dog. I don't want Mama to see me obeying your request cause she might think I will come when she calls. Don't get me wrong, I will protect her with my last tooth but just coming when you're called is not my gig.
I liked feeling clean after a bath and cooler after the hair cut. I like having my kennel all clean and not smelling like some dog peed in it.
I liked going to the craft show with my peeps in Golden CO last weekend and meeting a lot of people and dogs there. I found a white doodle I really liked but our peeps said no playing in the booth.
Now sit! Stay! visit these nice people also with lists of likes for the week. (if you have a list, just let mama know to put your name on the list too!)
new this week: http://spiralj2.blogspot.com/
Linking to
https://comedy-plus.com/ Awe Mondays
rosie and the boys nature pics
Linking to
https://comedy-plus.com/ Awe Mondays
rosie and the boys nature pics
Love your "New Day Dawns"♥ I haven't had a Kong ring in forever, Milo! I think I NEED to have one, don't you?!
Milo looks so happy with his squeek toy!!! Great likes! We live in the valley that is home base for Crayola and they do amazing things when you visit. Have a great day and stay cool!
I laughed out loud at Milo's first photo label. I love Quiltfolk books. No ads, great prose and fantastic photos. It's too expensive but so cool. Thanks for including me. mary
I love your opening photo. It's always nice to see what you and Milo are up to.
Good Morning, LeeAnna ... I love the new dawn painting. What a lovely way to start your day. I have that issue of QuiltFolk and looked for Shannon's quilt, but did not find her name in the credits. Is it one that is not properly credited or did I miss it? Page number, please. Milo looks so handsome and happy with his new toy. As a child, I loved a big new box of 64 crayons so much that I would play with them and line them up and put them back in a new order, but I would only use my old broken ones for coloring. When one became broken, I would replace it in the box with anyone I could find that was unpeeled and unbroken. I found an old box of them tucked away in a hot spot in eaves of my mother's attic where I had left it that had melted over time. Thanks for the interesting read and bringing back that old memory ... :-) Pat
Glad you enjoyed the Quiltfolk! It was too nice not to share and I definitely didn't need two copies. I love hearing about Milo's exploits- Blue doesn't chew on his tennis balls but he does leave them lying all over the place. I love the joyful painting you started the post with! That feels like it would make a great quilt. And your vegetables are fabulous. Our growing season is pretty extreme here too- i was thinking about that with regard to my dahlias. I'm at the edge of zone 7a/7b and theoretically it's too cold for dahlias to overwinter until zone 8. But I see them a bit wilty even at these not-as-hot-as-some-summer temps and wonder how they could survive the summer heat in zone 8. I think really they must like some zone that has less extremes. Alas. Although I think this year I might leave them in the ground and just see if they happen to survive the winter. Have a great week!
Milo is so funny--what a character--he is taking good care of his new toy....;)))
Your elephant ears are really sprouting (oops, not your own ears hahaha the plant's, of course!! Now there's a hard sentence to write!) thanks for sharing hugs, Julierose
I'm not good with remembering names either - maybe the artist is on to something, although that would be a lot of drawings to do! Milo reminds me of Roseanne's grandbabies and their ring toys. Certain items are just very important to keep an eye on!
I love Quiltfolk but don't buy it too often. It's more like a book than a magazine. It's so wonderful that you enjoy painting and drawing so much. Milo is so funny and cute!
I love Thursdays too and I love it when I get to see Milo.
Have a fabulous day. Scritches to Milo. ♥
I'll check out those videos! I could use some encouragement! I always love seeing your art...enjoy your week!
oh I would love to see your plants when they are super big ;O) and we love the idea to pick the crayons you really want and need...
I really loved a new crayon box too. So many possibilities with those fresh new crayons and I loved to read the names of colors hoping to find an interesting one I hadn't noticed before.
A friend and I share a subscription to Quiltfolk and both really enjoy it. I receive them, pass along to her as soon as I've read them, and she shares with her church quilting group once she is done.
Just bought a box of Crayolas for $2 at an estate sale lol. They were all in there, so that's for the grandkids. From 1994, so kinda of vintage! Have a great day!!
all that color and good preservatives too! What a company!
Ted Talks are a favorite of mine. Lots to be learned there. Milo is making me hot with all of his fur, but he is a handsome one. Thanks for linking up.
Do you put elephant's ears in the ground every year, or will they come up the next year? I had them as houseplants until this year. Now they're in the backyard hanging out with the ferns. One of these days, coleus will join them.
I love your New Day Dawning. I feel reassured.
Milo! That squeaky toy looks delicious! I'm envious of your tomatoes and green beans. I still have a box a crayons, though they're rarely used. Customizing a box could be a lot of fun.
I've never heard of Crayola stores, so neat. Rewriting all my class notes was always a way for me to study and remember. I can't use the word association thing either; I wonder about the drawing. Interesting. Milo is a hoot...he's looking adoringly at that toy.
You veggies are coming along nicely. The tomatoes are no doubt loving this hot spell, me...not so much. Stay cool this weekend.
I'm greatly enjoying Milo!
Lovely "I Like Thursday" post. The painting is full of happy colours, and your drawings are wonderful!! Pigma Micron 05 is my favourite too, I use that one the most. To Milo - I am sure you will take good care of your little baby. Have fun playing :)
A nice selection of "likes" - I need to do some reading again. Although I know nothing about quilting so I'll have to read something different. Growing a garden must be fun but also a lot of work. Milo is such a character.
Love your variety of thankful things! I, too, LOVED getting a new box of 64's! Oh, that was a glorious moment to open them for the first time!
My Corner of the World
LA - the summer has gotten so busy, that I have not had time for drawing at all. (We just hosted some friends and their kids for five days.) And now we are going camping for a few days. If I wasn't already carrying over 18 pounds of camping gear, I would take a journal and some pencils with me and do some drawing … I am determined to get back to it when we return!
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