Friday, June 21, 2019

The Friday Flashback and Caturday Art.

This week the flashback comes from September 2012 and is called:
Under The Old Oak Tree.

Eric: It's good to be out of lock up after the Beans holiday and walk around the fields again.

Flynn: Or just relax by the big old oak tree.

It gives us lots of nice cool shade when the sun comes out.

Eric: Or we can just lie there and think about things.

I've forgotten what I was thinking about.

Oh of course! I was going to have a bath.

Flynn: Really Eric! Where did you leave your manners.

You should show some decorum like me........

and bathe in a gentlemancatly manner.

I am joining Athena the Cat Goddess for Caturday Art and have used two photos this week.

For Eric I started with Quirky at 55%, then Watercolour at 40% and finished with Picasso at 35%.

For Flynn's art I started with Fairy at 55%,then Beauty at 35% finishing with Landscape at 30%.

Two art means two puzzles!
preview99 pieceEric Caturday Art 22.06.19
preview99 pieceFlynn Caturday Art 22.06.19
I am also joining Sandee at Comedy Plus for the Feline Friday blog hop.



  1. Those boys sure looked most wonderful in that lush green grass!

  2. That grass looks like it musta felt soo good!

  3. those boys sure enjoyed themselves!

  4. I always love seeing the boys.

  5. we hope the mama will forget it too to give us a bath...LOL

  6. I love your filters and the boys make me smile. They were such a pair :-)

  7. You both are so handsome! For some reason, Eric's statement reminded me of the post where Ellie lamented that thinking was harder than she thought. Hahaha.

  8. Aww! loving your memories I liked the art too amazing how they stand out :-)

    Have an artistictastic weekend :-)

  9. The boys sure loved being "masters of all they survey" there in those beautiful green hills. Taking a bath feels nice out in the fresh air I'm sure no matter whether decorum rules are followed or not. LOL The artsy photos of the boys are REALLY especially gorgeous today. We sure miss those boys..........

    Hugs, Pam and Teddy

  10. It is always fun to see Eric and Flynn. Love to artwork. Hope you all have a wonderful Friday and a good weekend too.

  11. MOL Mom often forgets what she was thinking about. YAY for two puzzles!

    The Florida Furkids

  12. Well done my ginger friends. OMCs the stripes in your tails are quite artistic too!
    Hugs Cecilia

  13. Flashbacks are bittersweet, but they still make me smile. Remembering the good times.

    Thank you for joining the Feline Friday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Feline Friday and weekend. ♥

  14. That first photo made me think of what it must look like for our babies at the RB. Walking out over a wonderful pasture scene. So beautiful. Love the artwork!

  15. Cute kitties! They always look so serene when washing their fur. ... the puzzle turned out great! :)

  16. Happy Flashback Friday and Happy First Day of Summer to you. We love Eric laying in the grass and thinking about things. These two were the best. Thanks for sharing the beautiful artwork. Have a fantastic weekend.
    World of Animals

  17. You guys certainly enjoyed your outside time.

  18. I bet they were both eager to sniff for intruders when you returned from vacations. Cute photos and beautiful art. Thank you for 2 puzzles :) XO

  19. Those boys had the best grounds to wander or just relax in!

  20. Oh the near infinite extent of the great outdoors! Thank you for the jigsaws :D

  21. You both always find the best places where you can wash yourself, and it's good that it's a reminder too...we sure do need that sometimes too😹Your artworks are both beautiful and we love the jigsaws. Very behind but will do them in time😸Pawkisses for a Happy Caturday sweet angels🐾😚😻

  22. What lovely memories! And how lucky the boys were, to have such lovely green fields to play in!
    And the artwork is beautiful too.

  23. Both gentlemen, no matter what! - Tom x

  24. Ah, there's nothing ungentlemanly about being clean.

  25. Gentlemanly or otherwise, we kitties reserve the right to bathe however we damn please, I say! Another adorable flashback, my friends.

  26. We so miss the boys they were such gentlemencats.

  27. That must have been some huge oak tree to have provided all that shade. Miss you boys!

  28. Bathing pictures always win the internet!

  29. That's a lot of shade, all right. Long may the old oak tree thrive.

  30. The big oak tree sounds sure was a great place for baths, Angels Eric and Flynn, decorum or not. :)

  31. doodz....we iz reddy ta brake inta song !!! N we cracked UP eric bout yur thinkin ta think bout stuff then forgettin what ya waz wantin ta think a bout....good one dood :) ♥♥♥☺☺☺☺☺

  32. A nice bath outside is always do enjoyable ! Purrs

  33. Boys, you two have the best boy convos!!!

  34. I love the part where he forgot what he was thinking about :)

  35. The captions for the photos make me smile, very entertaining. We all like shades. Sometimes, I too tend to forget what I was thinking.

  36. Awwww! You guys in lock up sounds so impossible! I bet it was more a health spa with hot and warm running hand maids ;) MOL
    Anyways we have two awesome and difficult jigsaws to go at of our FAV brothers. This should drive Mrs H to the sherry glass sooner rather than later, MOL
    Purrs forever

  37. Such beautiful kitties and love your header ~ ^_^

    Happy Day to you,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  38. That looks so very nice to have a leisurely bath under the old Oak Tree. Love you fellows


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