Friday, May 10, 2019

Reese's Work is Never Done - Laundry

Today is laundry day and I is vewy busy helping the Momeh

First, I must permanent press all the garments by carefully placing my furs everywhere.

Then, I will add softener to the load by kneading it just right

They say being agitated is suppose to help clean the wash.  I will give my best agitated look.

Finally, I helps fold the towels when they're vewy warm

All this work makes me tired.  Time for a nap.



  1. You did some fine work here. It's now time to snuggle in that warm towel.

    Thank you for joining the Feline Friday Blog Hop.

    Have a purrfect Feline Friday and weekend. My best to your mom. ♥

  2. You worked very hard to get that laundry right.

  3. Oh Resse, you do such a good job with the laundry. Well done. Have a great day.

  4. Reese you do such a nice job! Would you please come and help me with my laundry?

  5. You are such a good helper. XO

  6. I hope the Momeh lets you take a snooze on top of all that clean and folded laundry when you are finished.

  7. We are more the "soak up all the warmth after it comes out of the dryer and is dumped on the bed" types... Thats just to help cool the clothes down faster, of course.

  8. Reese, you are doing such a wonderful job with the laundry. After all that hard work, you deserve a nice nap. Thanks for sharing. Have a wonderful day.
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