Monday, March 31, 2025

When We Were Young #MusicMovesMe

It's Monday, and it's time for music!

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Today I am joining up with other Music Moves Me bloggers (and you can join us at the linky above). We are a group of music loving bloggers who blog about music each Sunday or Monday (or even later in the week). If you have music to share with us, you are most welcome to join! (Music Posts Only-meaning at least one music video, please! Otherwise, your post link may be labeled "No Music" or even removed.  

Our head host is Xmas Dolly, and our co-hosts are Cathy from Curious as a Cathy, joined by the knowledgeable Stacy of Stacy Uncorked and, last but not least, me.

Every other week we have a theme.  This week's theme is "You Pick".

Earlier this week there was another induction into Rock and Roll Heaven, with the death of Jesse Colin Young, songwriter, vocalist, and founding member of The Youngbloods, on March 16.  He was 83 years old.  The cause of death was "complications of cardiac, atherosclerotic and hypertensive cardiovascular disease".

"Get Together" brings me back to a time when life seemed to be...dare I say it, less complex?

All we would need to do is smile on our brothers, get together, and try to love one another right now.  So, without further comment, here is the 1967 hit song "Get Together" by the Youngbloods.  Now that I hear this song as a senior citizen, the lyrics call to me once again.

It made me think, too, of these songs. 

Richard Chamberlain, an actor that I remember from the TV show Dr. Kildare, died March 29 at the age of 90 after having suffered a stroke.  But did you know that he was also a singer?  Here he is with the song "They Long to Be Close to You" (no parenthesis) in 1963. I never knew Richard Chamberlain was the original singer of this song, which later became a hit for The Carpenters.

The Beatles and "Yesterday".  When this came out in 1965, it was instant love for me.

1988's "Forever Young" from Rod Stewart.

1984 and Alphaville's "Forever Young" (a different song). 

The Carpenters and "We've Only Just Begun".  It's so sad hearing this song and knowing that Karen Carpenter died when she was only 32 years old.

Do I dare to close with The Who's "My Generation" with its infamous line "Hope I die before I get old"?  Now, Roger Daltrey just turned 81 on March 1, and Pete Townshend is 79. Has anyone asked them recently about growing old?

And that's a wrap, on this last day of March.

Join me again next week for another episode of Music Moves Me.

Sunday, March 30, 2025

Chicken Stir Fry #ShadowshotSunday

Friday, I took a picture of a chicken stir fry I made, and I said to myself, why not use this shadowy picture for a Shadowshot Sunday?

Chicken Breast strips with California Blend frozen vegetables, served over spaghetti.

I was given this spur of the moment recipe by a family member after I found a boneless chicken breast in the freezer that needed to be used up.  If anyone is interested in the recipe, I can post it (perhaps) next Sunday.

Joining Lisa at Lisa's Garden Adventure for her #ShadowshotSunday.

Friday, March 28, 2025

Feathery Skies of March #SkywatchFriday

On Wednesday, it snowed.  Fortunately, despite Winter's best efforts, it ended up melting.

 On Thursday, this was the sky. 

A few feet away.

And framed by tree branches. 

It's so nice to see blue skies again.  

Joining Yogi and other skywatchers each Friday for #SkywatchFriday.

Wednesday, March 26, 2025

March Flowers #WordlessWednesday

Spring has arrived in my front and back yards. Finally!

The crocuses have arrived.

More crocuses.

Finally, my purple Lenten rose.

I know these aren't the pictures I promised last week but I am so excited to finally have flowers. These pictures were taken Tuesday.



Joining up with Sandee at Comedy Plus for her #WordlessWednesday 

Monday, March 24, 2025

Is It Spring? #MusicMovesMe

It's Monday, and it's time for music!


Today I am joining up with other Music Moves Me bloggers (and you can join us at the linky above). We are a group of music loving bloggers who blog about music each Sunday or Monday (or even later in the week). If you have music to share with us, you are most welcome to join! (Music Posts Only-meaning at least one music video, please! Otherwise, your post link may be labeled "No Music" or even removed.  

Our head host is Xmas Dolly, and our co-hosts are Cathy from Curious as a Cathy, joined by the knowledgeable Stacy of Stacy Uncorked and, last but not least, me.

Every other week we have a theme.  This week's theme is "Spring Time Again"

Of course, where I live, I would have to say "not so fast!". The weather in March is so variable - spring one day, winter the next, lots of wind - but my crocus are blooming, the birds are singing, and I'm counting the days until winter leaves for good.

So, how about some appropriate music?

The Association and "Windy", from 1967.

 April in Paris, from 1932, here here done by the Count Basie Orchestra in 1956.

A Johnny Cash song from 1965 - When It's Springtime in Alaska (It's 40 below), a duet with June Carter.

For musical lovers, here is It Might as Well be Spring, from the 1945 film State Fair.

Let's wrap it up with a song that makes me think of spring - The Rain, the Park, and Other Things, from the Cowsills.

And that's a wrap!

Join me again next week for another episode of Music Moves Me.

Sunday, March 23, 2025

Early Spring Shadows #ShadowshotSunday

Many of our native trees are blooming.  Soon, leaves will appear and you won't find shadows like this.

Bare trees have a certain beauty, as do their shadows.

And, the crocuses are blooming.

This is the nice parts of spring.

But, our changeable weather struck again - a handful of hours after I took this picture, it clouded over, rained, and the temperature dropped.  Winter still won't let go but at least there were no severe weather events.  We've been fortunate so far.

Joining Lisa at Lisa's Garden Adventure for #ShadowshotSunday.

Friday, March 21, 2025

False Spring Skies #SkywatchFriday

Where I live in the Southern Tier of New York, it takes several weeks for winter and spring to fight it out.  True, spring officially began at 5:01 AM yesterday, but that doesn't mean anything to the weather.

Wednesday and yesterday, we had blue skies.

Wednesday, I went for a routine preventative test.  The hospital where it took place used to be a Catholic hospital and the new, secular owners have kept this grotto dedicated to the Virgin Mary.  I couldn't resist taking a picture.

Later on Wednesday, I was in Owego, New York.  Last week, I had become aware of a bald eagle's nest near the Susquehanna River.  A gentleman  pointed it out to me, and I took this picture.  You can't see it, but it's in the evergreen tree on the right, about two thirds of the way up.  I'm thinking there is a nesting pair in there as there is an eagle occasionally flying back and forth.

Finally, a blue sky from Thursday morning. 

The one bad thing about this weather - fire danger. Breeze and dried leaves are a bad combination. In fact, on Wednesday, there was a brush fire a few miles from here and several roads had to be closed for a time.

So why did I call this post False Spring Skies?  Because our short series of beautiful spring days ended yesterday, and winter has made a comeback.  It's going to be winter probably all next week, too.

It was nice while it lasted.  Hopefully, Spring will return soon for another try.

Joining Yogi and other skywatchers for #SkywatchFriday.