Monday, 25 March 2019

Sunday Adventure and Hogcam action

Hi its Sunday selfies but on Monday! Just thought I would let you all know I am still doing ok after my scare in the on Friday but I did have an adventure with Mummy beginning of last week so here it is....

it was fun looking around the Museum...

Now Mummy set up the Hogcam as its dry weather at the moment and here is last nights action(Sunday)....

 The Hog House Dinner stopped a nosy cat that snuck in to the garden!

May be Reggie...we think so by the size.

Not sure who this is in these 2 next clips.

And finally a timid was to scared to go in.Mummy is going to move the position of the hogcam to get a bigger view for tonight's action!


  1. Great to see you recovered from your scary bout of gas, Speedy. Great place for an adventure pirate cat to go to, too! Wooden leg and loads of historical bounty, MOL
    Now those hedge hogs have their own place that is great, and to see the other visitors is fun, too. Just as well the mice and cats aren't interested in going in else things could get heated and prickly, MOL

  2. Oh Speedy, don't you look the important little chap in your BUNNY MOBILE!!!!!!!! That is way too cute...and what a lovely outing with mum. WOW, that Hogcam is a good idea to catch CAT THIEVES! Beware of that cat!

  3. I sure am glad you are okay Speedy and that cam is pretty darn cool.

  4. When I want to see old relics, I can do it from home.

  5. Looks like a cool place to visit!

    Purrs xx
    Athena and Marie

  6. What a wonderful museum ! How nice you could enjoy the outside in your stroller, we're glad you're OK ! Purrs

  7. That looks like a super interesting adventure, Speedy! And how fun to get a look at the hog cam!

  8. Hiya Speedy, so glad mew're ok little buddy, stay well dude! We loved your chariot, it's beyond epic, and what an adventure mew and your mum had! Have a pawesome day! XOX

  9. Charlee: "Mousie?"
    Chaplin: "Mousie."
    Charlee: "We like to watch mousies!"

  10. We are glad you are better! What a great adventure you had with Mum, Speedy! And we love the hogcam is really neat. :)

  11. I am SO glad you have a stroller. I love ours and taking the cats out and about. What a trip and what a museum. You do get to some wonderful places!

    Your hog cam is totally epic. I pointed my petcube out the window once and when it got dark all I got was glass. * sigh *

  12. Oh Speedy, I'm sorry I haven't stopped by much lately. I do hope you are feeling better. It makes me sad when I hear that my furr-iends have been sick. Maybe the stroll with your momma was just the thing you needed to get you on the path to healing. Hugs.


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