Monday, March 4, 2019

Mewsic Monday

So, my blog are still banned on Facebook, cuz I are such a bad a$$. Yeah, I are just gonna embrace dis ban - y'all wish ya could be as cool as me and get in trubbull.

Now, if dat ain't a razz of disrespect for da Book of Russian Bots and Fake News Faces, den I don't know what are. But we ain't letting da Facebook ban ruin our fun, we are gettin ready for Meowdi Paws tomorrow - Cajun food and King Cake, YUM!

Oh yeah, and it are also Mewsic Monday. Da theme dis week, picked by Patrick at Adventures in Weseland is how music teaches us. Hmmm, if only music could teach me how to open da fridge so I could raid da bacon drawer (dere's gotta be a bacon drawer, right?). Anyways, mewsic can have some good life lessons in it. Lessons must of us cats already know, but da humans could use some reminding of.


Ya should luv yourself no matter how ya wuz born and be proud - our differences are what make us interesting. After all, if all kitties were stunning pale orange tabbies with extra loud meows, I wouldn't stand out at all.

And dis one for for all of our pals - I think y'all is ALL beautiful. Maybe not as beautiful as me. But, it are hard to achieve purrfeckshun.


  1. Ha ha--Bad@#$! indeed! Love the razz of disrespect--Amarula could not have done it better!

  2. I love that tongue shot. :) Sorry about FB. Great music choices!

  3. No one is as beautiful as myself. HAH! I learned that TW can't dance like Gaga. I wonder if she has cats.

  4. Well that is stupid to ban you from Facebook. Sorry about that. Like the music and the tongue is perfect. You all have a good evening.

  5. Facebook better watch out...Crockett is gonna go all raspberry on them. :)

  6. Stupid Facebook! I wish they would get a clue.

  7. Good one Crockett, letting FB know what you think of them. They never show me any posts that I follow anyway, only what they think I want to see.

  8. @Hairballs and Hissyfits - FB deserves it.
    @pilch92 15andmeowing - Fanks!
    @Cathy Keisha - Momma knows she has French bulldogs. She needs some cats I think!
    @Marg - Fanks!
    @The Island Cats - Yeah, he are gonna be razzin em big time.
    @Summer - We just wish there wuz some way to ackshually contact a person.
    @Memories of Eric and Flynn - Da stuff dat shows up in feeds can be so weird sometimes!

  9. LSC,

    Oh, you absolutely crack me up! You is a beauty for sure and we ALL need to love who we are regardless of shape, size, color, or sex. Our unique individuality is what separates us for the next cat, right? I'm glad you ain't letting the FB Nazis steal your joy. Just keep rebelling on my precious little furball! ;) Thanks for sharing the dance floor with the 4M crew and have a boogietastic week!

  10. The day they ban mom from FB, she will happily pack her FB bags and take a hike.

  11. HUH? Banned on FB? Well poopie on them....I didn't know that but hey - you can put that on your resume! You look fabulous in your "let the good times roll" bandanas and I think that's more impawtant then Facebark anyway!

    Hugs, Teddy

  12. Ohhh these tunes made me dance in my chair
    Hugs Cecilia

  13. Great music, kitties! We haven't been on Fakebook for quite some time and when we hear this, we want to close the account immediately...what a bummer! You all look very cute, hope you got your Cajun food today.Pawkisses for a Happy Meal🐾😽💞

  14. guyz...happee mardi graz two ewe all.... N bout thoz cakez ...letz eat !!! ☺☺♥♥

  15. You must really be rebel kitties to have FB so ticked at you! Just kidding :) I hope you get this straightened out soon.

  16. @Cathy Kennedy - I don't let nobody steal nuffin, joy or treats. Speshully treats, MOL!
    @Katie Isabella - MOL, dey can go Zuck demselves.
    @Pam and Teddy - Yeah, I think it makes me look real Bad A$$. Will look great in my autobiography.
    @My Mind's Eye - Yay!
    @Little Binky and Granny - Da mommas are makin it now!
    @da tabbies o trout towne - Nom, nom, nom!
    @Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) - Ya know us, we's BAD!

  17. @The Swiss Cats - We have no idea what they have against a kitty blog!

  18. Keep hissing and rebelling; don't let the Facebook police bring you down by banning you. Things got done before Facebook and they will get done after Facebook. purrs to you. And, one comment about the song "Beautiful" - this was a daring video and song back when it was released in 2002 - now that is a true pioneer and champion.

  19. Such pretty kitties!!! Sorry about Facebook not appreciating you. ;) Love that Lady Gaga song!! Thanks for the dance!

  20. @Alana - Yeah, my momma wuz in high school and she remembers how da 2 guys kissing wuz shocking to some people - we've come a long way.
    @Stacy Uncorked - Glad ya liked it!


Meow! Leave me a comment, I luvs to read dem. Not as much as I luv bacon, but I do luvs em.