
Hooked on Windmaster Legend, Shall We Dance? #mfrwauthor #mfrwhook

A forbidden love. An impossible quest. The accusation of witchcraft. Can love survive?


Today I'd like you to meet the man I hope you'll love to hate, Leod of the House of Pirri. Since he is from the same trading guild as Pelra, he is supposed to live by the same code of honor, and treat her as kin. However, Leod makes his own rules. And his relatives on his house's ruling council of the House provide him with the power to do so.

The scene takes place the night of the captain's conclave. Leod
senses something happening in the maze and heads in to see what secrets he might find--secrets that could be used to gain more power. He sees an unknown woman sitting by herself and presents a proposal and receives Lady Pelra's response.


My lady, I am Leod, a seated member of the ruling council of the House of Pirri.” He rose from his best court bow. “At your service.”

Surprise stopped his hand in mid-gesture of offering her the glass of wine. The “come hither” smile that normally resulted from his introduction was missing. Instead, there was just silence and a raised eyebrow. He’d heard the bards could strip a man to the bone with a glance or single word. But he’d never believed it. Until now.

“The best wine in Stratven for the most beautiful woman.”

Assurance filled him. That line had never failed to win over a woman. This one might be a bard, but she was still a woman. However, instead of an encouraging smile, her response was a chilled, “No, thank you.”

He shifted to the approach that had bedded him many a fair maiden. “Then may I have the honor of this dance? A man only has the opportunity once in his life to have such a beautiful companion, let alone one bard-trained.”

The slight tightening of her lips gave Leod little insight into what he had said wrong. Still, he held the smile that had won over so many women.

His target still didn’t submit. Instead, she gave a slight shake of her head. “I appreciate the compliment. However, I am quite content where I am. Maybe you should return to the dance.” Her head-to-toe scan of him added to the fire building under Leod’s skin. “There should be someone there suitable for you.”

~ * ~

~till next time, Helen

Paperback: Amazon / Amazon UK / Barnes&Noble 

Ebook: Amazon / Amazon UK / Amazon CABarnes&Noble  / Smashwords  / Books2Read


  1. LOL she certainly knows the art of the 'put down' doesn't she. I somehow doubt he's learnt the lesson though.

    1. Not to do a spoiler, but you're right on the doubt. Sometimes people never learn. :)

  2. Great excerpt and a good exchange. She's sterling. Can't wait.

    1. Thanks for stopping by. Looking forward to reading about the land of Fyre.

  3. Aha! What a smart woman. Love the put-down of this arrogant guy.
    JQ Rose

    1. Sometimes you're just not sure of the characterization, but this initial meeting between heroine and smart-ass playboy just felt right. Glad it worked for you.

  4. To be honest, I'm more taken with her than I am learning to hate him. She's more than a match for him.

    1. thanks for the comment. I was hoping to show Pelra in a different eye. Defending yourself with no weapons in a formal gown is not the same as leading a sword fight.

  5. I like this heroine! She's neither a dummy nor a pushover.

    1. thanks for the comment. It seems the quiet put-down resonated.


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