Monday, March 24, 2025

Mini-Reviews: Polite Society Chang'an, Fast Times! The Surprises!

This set of reviews were the movies that exceeded my expectations. 

Polite Society
I absolutely love a good bonkers bollywood movie, and Polite Society delivers exactly that. Priya Kansara as the younger sister trying to stop the wedding of her older sister (played by wonderfully by Ritu Arya) was a blast to watch. It was over the top, action packed, and fun. It also wasn't too long, it did what it was going to do, made it fun and pretty, and then wrapped itself up.  

Fast Times At Ridgemont High
Okay, the only reason I really wanted to watch this movie was because of the Jimmy Buffett doing Spicoli's Theme. Being an early 80's coming of age high school movie there was the expected nudity and sex. What I didn't expect was how well developed the characters were, and how frankly it addressed abortion. I can only imagine the negative press that it would have gotten if it was released today. 

I saw a clip from this movie at one of the museums we visited in China, and I was thrilled to see it was available on the flight home. It's a historical drama that "follows the story of the decades-long friendship of poets Li Bai and Gao Shi amid the Tang dynasty's transition from peak prosperity to the turmoil of the rebellion led by An Lushan, one of Emperor Xuanzong's most favored generals." (from Wiki) It was beautiful and moving. I wish that I spoke Mandarin well enough to understand it without subtitles, because the poets are some of the most revered in China. 

Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Purple People Eater

One of the Reaper Challenge League challenges for this month was "one eyed one horned flying purple people eater" with the caveat that to meet the challenge for this category is that you only needed to hit one of the parts of the challenge... but what's the fun of that?

Of course I don't have a mini in my collection that fulflls all the requirements, so I went digging. I do have a large cyclops, but didn't feel like painting a giant. So I kept digging and came across my bag of early Bones Kickstarter demons, and the ape demon felt perfect. Well, aside from the 2 eyes and no horn. 

I can fix that. I just cut off his face, and grabbed the greenstuff. The hardest part was the teeth. I wasn't originally going for big flat mollar type teeth, but I liked how it turned it.

Once the greenstuff had cured, it was time to paint. I primed/base coated with Kraken Ink (purple liner) and the eye with linen white. 

I then used a mix of Kraken Ink, Clear Purple, Ruddy Flesh, Dragon Red, and Aged Bone to do the rest of the mini. The final step, aside from basing, was to apply a gloss varnish on the eye and the tongue. 

Not sure when I'll get to the base, so here's the finished but the base pic.

Monday, March 17, 2025

Mini-Reviews: Annihilation, Jupiter Ascending, 65

This was an interesting, kinda artsy movie, full of beautiful visuals, and characters that should have been more interesting than they were. I kept expecting the movie to pay off, but in the end it just didn't do it for me. 
I did appreciate that it was basically an all woman team, that they were all competent professionals (well, maybe not the team leader/psychologist. She needed her own therapist.) but I had a hard time caring about them, especially Natalie Portman's character. All in all it just fell flat. 

Jupiter Ascending
Yet another pretty movie with some really interesting ideas that the movie just barely touches on. There's so much interesting world building that is mentioned, hinted at, and... largely ignored. The story itself was bland, and yes Channing and Mila and Eddie are all very pretty and nice to look at, but man did it leave me wanting SO MUCH MORE. Someone give me a setting book for this universe and I'll happily run a sci-fi game set in it.

I... ok, crashed astronauts vs dinosaurs. But they're alien astronauts...  so the fact that it's on Earth, in spite of the fact they look human... Eh.

Monday, March 10, 2025

Mini-Reviews: Venom, Jurassic World, Indiana Jones, & Godzilla! The Sequels!

Another set of airplane movies for review, this time the direct sequel reviews!

Venom last dance 
Look, this was never going to be high cinema. The Venom movies are fucking goofy, and this one is that. If you aren't into this duo's homoerotic symbiosis, violence, and just over the top silliness, I don't know what you're even looking at the 3rd movie in this series for.

Indiana Jones dial of destiny
After The Crystal Skull, I did not go into this with high expectations, but... damn. They did it. They made old Indiana Jones work, they still made the Nazis the bad guys, and brought back other characters in a way that works. This was really good.

Jurassic World: Domination
This is another one that exceeded my expectations. I wasn't a big fan of the earlier installments of Jurassic World, but I actually like how they addressed the world building here. What does the reintroduction of dinosaurs into the modern world look like? Messy. Also, just like Indiana Jones above, and the Ghostbusters reboot, the return of the original trio of characters was great. Honestly this whole movie was a bunch of nostalgia bait, and callbacks. Do I wonder what the dinosaurs in the caves or the subway were eating? Sure. Do I really care? No.

Godzilla: King of the Monsters

While a sequel, I haven't actually seen any of the other movies in the monster universe series. Did I feel like I was missing out on anything? Not even a little. It's a giant monster movie, the plot is simple and clearly explained. It was fun, and good enough that I'm kinda interested in seeing the other movies in the series. 

Monday, March 3, 2025

Mini-Reviews: I ain't afraid of no ghost! The Reboots

While flying to and from China, I got to watch a lot of movies, and they were all new to me. I specifically picked things that I hadn't yet seen, and wanted to, but hadn't for various reasons. Some are just too new, others haven't hit a streaming service I have access too, others got skipped because it felt like there were other movies I wanted to see more. 

Ghostbusters Afterlife
Ghostbusters Frozen Empire

I've been waiting forever for Afterlife to hit a streaming service I have forever, and just before I left for China Frozen Empire hit Netflix... but not Afterlife! Thankfully the plane had both. I really enjoyed how they brought back the Ghostbusters in this reboot. While I liked the 2016 version this was a clearly much more connected to the original way to go, and brought back the original cast & characters in a much more organic way. By the time we get to Frozen Empire, things are a little busier, a little more serious. Still fun though, and I hope to see another installment in this series. 

Beetlejuice Beetlejuice

I was really unsure how this was going to work... but it did. It isn't great, and not as good as the Ghostbusters movies, but still enjoyable.I will say the cast was great, but Monica Bellucci was wasted in the role, and her character, such as it was, felt so flat (a word that should never be used in a sentence with her).

All in all an enjoyable movie, solid followup to the wonderful original. I hope they skip making a third movie.

Saturday, March 1, 2025

February ‘25 In Review

I spent most of the month in China! It was an amazing trip and we only just got back. There was so much to see and do… in the 3 weeks we were there, I think only a couple of days did i fail to hit 10,000 steps and most days it was closer to 20,000.

I hope one day my minis and terrain can be displayed in a museum...

This is a pile of hundreds of copper coins at a museum in Shenzen.

Overall the trip was amazing. I saw so many cool things, ate such good food, and am feeling so inspired for world building right now.

None, for the above reasons. However I did get a chunk of time to do some world building. I brought some worksheets for the #Hex25 project I'd planned on starting, and then didn't. While in China I pulled them out, along with my #Dungeon25 notebook, and then mostly just ended up making a lot of world building notes in the notebook, rather than trying to use the sheets.

I wrapped up a couple of minis that I started in January, but mostly, again because of the trip, not much progress. I have been weirdly thinking about painting more Games Workshop minis. The Emperor's Champion has been calling out to me...


Fungus infected troll in progress

Frostgrave Wraith

Media - spending 36ish hours on a plane means getting to watch lots of movies. I'm going to be posting some mini-reviews of some of these over the month.
Letterkenny S7
Ghostbusters afterlife
Venom last dance
Beetlejuice Beetlejuice
Indiana Jones dial of destiny
Ghostbusters Frozen Empire
Jurassic world: domination
Jupiter Ascending
Chang an
Fast times at ridgemont high
Polite society
Godzilla: King of the Monsters
Scavengers Reign eps 1 & 2

Aside from some souvenirs from China, nothing game related in February. I know I've got some stuff that'll be arriving in March though. 

Goals for March
Keep up with all session reports
Recover from international travel

Monday, February 24, 2025

Wolf In Sheep's Clothing

 A wolf-in-sheep's-clothing is a vegetable monster that lurks in undergrowth or grassy meadowlands, creeping from place to place by pulling with its root tentacles. The body of the creature resembles a tree trunk, with a vertical maw full of jagged teeth, and 10–15 feet long eyestalks. It can sprout a growth that resembles a small furry creature to attract prey. 

This monster was originally published in the Expedition to the Barrier Peaks, and then reprinted in the AD&D MM2. 

It is a ridiculously silly monster, as befitting the same module that introduced the gaming world to the Froghemoth. On the other hand, when Reaper made a mini for it, there was no way I was not going to get and paint it! 

I'm not entirely happy with the eyes, but overall, I had a ton of fun painting it!