Friday, May 3, 2024

Friday Faves

Trying yet another new (to me) link up today with some Friday Favorites, hosted by Erika at A Little Bit of Everything and Andrea at Momfessionals.  

First favorite...I had a facial on Monday morning and it was pure bliss. My primary care group has a brand new office and they've added a beautiful medical spa beside the main building. It might even be the same building but with separate entrances. I haven't had a facial in a long time and they're my absolute favorite spa treatment. 

I wish I hadn't loved the sun as much as I did when I was younger, but doing what I can now to correct what can be corrected. I'm not interested in surgical procedures but am on board with a good facial, Vitamin C serum, retinol, and the esthetician has me seriously considering laser now too. Has anyone done laser on their face? I have some dark spots that she can treat on their own, but she says I'm a good candidate for full face laser. 

Sounds super freaky and very 21st century, but here we are. 

We've been going (as per always) mach ten here for the past many months, and just stepping in to the quiet beautiful treatment room with the warm bed and the weighted blanket, the low light and subtle scent of lavender, it was exactly what I needed. I loved it so much I might have booked another. 

Up next...I rarely see a movie in the theatre anymore, but this week I went with some neighbors to see Unsung Hero. We all really enjoyed it. The film tells the true story of the Smallbone family, parents to the brothers from King and Country and their talented sister Rebecca St. James. Bring your tissues. 

Thirdly...I'm still walking in the neighborhood and like I said on Monday, there are some crazy steep spots I do not at all enjoy. But! When I get to the top of the first hill I'm rewarded with the sweet sweet scent of honeysuckle growing wild around the trunk of a tall tree. 

Y'all. That smell takes me right back to my childhood and summer afternoons at the swim club. Honeysuckle grew wild along the fence there and when the lifeguards shooed the kids out of the pool for adult swim we'd hang out by the fence tasting the honeysuckle. 

Next thing...hubs spent the entire day Thursday cleaning all of our porches, patios, outdoor rugs, outdoor furniture and the dock. Whew! It's an enormous job and I'd have broken it up a bit, but he is a 'giterdone' kind of guy so a full day it was. I volunteer on Thursdays so was not home to help, but this is his wheelhouse, and as he says 'The porch pirates are back in business'. 

Aaaand....because he knocked it out in a day we had our first morning coffee of the season on the upper deck this very morning. It's my favorite favorite. 

Lastly...we have baby bluebirds in our bluebird house. This is the sixth year I think and I'm guessing maybe it's the same mom and dad? 

Maybe not? I'm not an ornithologist, but I do love birds in the wild and these babies are adorable and noisy and their parents are beautiful. 

What are some of your faves from the week that was? 

Thursday, May 2, 2024

Show Us Your Shelf

Joining a new link party today hosted by Joanne (Slices of Life), Jennifer (Overflowing With Thankfulness), Tanya (The Other Side Of The Road), and Marilyn (Memphis Bridges). Feel free to join with a bookish post of your own. 

This is week one of a new link up called Share Your Shelf, and today we're sharing what we read in April. I do love a good book recommendation so will definitely be checking out what others have on their blogs. 

Reading is one of the rare hobbies we can have that is both personal and communal. We each have our own individual tastes and preferences in terms of genre and writing style, but most readers also love to share titles, talk about books of all kinds, and discover new authors. 

I'm old school in that I still love to have that book in my hand. It's 2024 though, and I can admit technology has its place too. I've really enjoyed the Audible app this year. If you know us you know we log a lot of miles in the car trekking hither and yon and hubs and I have listened to a lot of great books that way. I download something I know will be of interest to him (he likes biographies, the Civil War, explorers, history, and the wild wild west) so oftentimes I'm listening to something I might not read otherwise. 

No real road trips in April so these are all me. 

Hello Beautiful by Ann Napolitano

Technically I finished this one at the end of March, but it was my book club's April title so I'm adding it here. I'm not much for writing reviews, I'd much rather we talk about our favorite and not so favorite books over a cup of tea, but I gave this one three stars on Goodreads if that helps. The plot revolves around four sisters, the ties that bind and the ones that break too. The author made a lot of references to Little Women, but unlike the original Jo, Beth, Amy, and Meg, I just could not connect with the sisters in Hello Beautiful. I actually found the men in the story to be the more likable characters.

Are We There Yet?: My Journey from a Messed-Up to Meaningful Life by Jeff Allen

I heard the comedian Jeff Allen interviewed on one of my favorite podcasts (Relatable with Allie Beth Stuckey) and decided to read his memoir. This was a fast read and he writes like he talks. He shares honestly about his journey through addiction and especially anger, and the way God intervened in his life to change that. 

Expiration Dates by Rebecca Serle

Someone had recommended this to me, and while it's not my typical read (more chick lit than I usually go for) it was very enjoyable. A clever premise that required you suspend reality, but I bought in and ended up liking this one. Plus there was a twist I didn't see coming and I always appreciate an author who is able to pull that off. 

The Secret Life Of Sunflowers by Marta Molnar

This is our May book club selection so I won't say too much about it here. A novel based on the true story of Johanna Bonger, Vincent Van Gogh's sister-in-law. The novel hops back and forth between that and a related modern day story, a format I normally like. In this case I didn't think the author needed the new. The book wasn't bad, a little slow moving, but mostly I was disappointed the plot wasn't more Van Gogh focused. Another three star read for me. 

Okay...whose read something fabulous lately? Please share. 

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

The Merry Merry Month Of Hodgepodging

Welcome to the month of May and also to this week's Wednesday Hodgepodge. So glad you've joined the link up here today. If you've answered the questions add your link at the end of my post, then leave a comment for your neighbor there. Here we go-

From this Side of the Pond
1. Mayday! Mayday!...when was the last time (or a recent time) you literally or figuratively needed to call for help? Elaborate. 

Maybe not mayday exactly, because mayday sounds like an emergency, but I do always yell for hubs to help get new sheets on our bed. The mattress is so ridiculously heavy I feel like in another ten years I'll need to call in the professionals when it's time to change the sheets. I can get the fitted on without too much trouble, but it takes both of us to get that top sheet on. 

2. May Day...when was the last time you danced? Do you have a lot of baskets? What's something you keep in a basket? What's your favorite purple flower? 

Hubs college fraternity had a big anniversary celebration a couple of weeks ago with a great band, and we danced a lot. We like to dance. 

What do I keep in a basket? I have a basket of blankets people can grab for the porch and a basket of 'indoor' blankets too. I also have a basket for easy grab snacks in my pantry and a basket of books I put out when the grands are here.  

My favorite purple flower is the lilac. I also love a purple iris. 

3. What's something you may do this month?

Get my wallpaper hung in the lower level guest suite bath? Or at least get it scheduled. It's a tiny job so we'll see if I can make that happen. I have finally reached out to an installer so if not May (May is pretty packed with things here already on the calendar) then June for sure.  

4. Do you like eggplant? Quick topic changes lol? If you said yes in answer to the eggplant question how do you like yours prepared? Of the following purple foods, which one is your favorite...plums, purple carrots, purple asparagus, eggplant, acai berries, blackberries, purple cauliflower, elderberries, purple potatoes, or passion fruit? 

I love eggplant, my favorite is homemade eggplant parm and I especially like Alex Guarnasachelli's recipe. It is super labor intensive but so scrumptious it's worth it. I typically make it once a year with eggplant from my daughter's in-law's garden. 

I like all the purple foods listed, but plums are my favorite. 

5. The calendar turns on Hodgepodge Day...

"Then you have to remember to be thankful; but in May one simply can't help being thankful that they are alive, if for nothing else."-L.M. Montgomery

Tell us one thing you're thankful for today. 

Hubs and I finally sat down together and sorted out flights for a trip we have coming up this fall. This is always the hardest part of travel planning and I'm grateful and excited to have this bit done, and have the dates officially on the calendar. 

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

Do any of you have your blog printed into a book? I've been using Blog2Print for years to do this and I like their finished product. Sadly I see they are closing up shop, so I'm looking for another option. Please share if you have one. 

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Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Hodgepodge Questions-Volume 549

Here are the questions to this week's Wednesday Hodgepodge. Answer on your own blog, then hop back here tomorrow to add your link to the party. See you there! 

1. Mayday! Mayday!...when was the last time (or a recent time) you literally or figuratively needed to call for help? Elaborate. 

2. May Day...when was the last time you danced? Do you have a lot of baskets? What's something you keep in a basket? What's your favorite purple flower? 

3. What's something you may do this month? 

4. Do you like eggplant? Quick topic changes lol? If you said yes in answer to the eggplant question how do you like yours prepared? Of the following purple foods, which one is your favorite...plums, purple carrots, purple asparagus, eggplant, acai berries, blackberries, purple cauliflower, elderberries, purple potatoes, or passion fruit? 

5. The calendar turns on Hodgepodge Day...

"Then you have to remember to be thankful; but in May one simply can't help being thankful that they are alive, if for nothing else."-L.M. Montgomery

Tell us one thing you're thankful for today. 

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

Monday, April 29, 2024

Hello Monday

Linking up today for a weekend recap with Holly from Pink Lady and Sarah at Sunshine and Books

We had a pretty quiet weekend here, mostly because hubs had a lot of real estate-ing happening, and that meant we needed to stick close to home. He worked with a client all day Friday and I did some things around the house that needed doing, which always feels good. We ate leftovers for dinner and watched the movie Moneyball that evening. It's been out for more than ten years, but somehow I'd never seen it. I liked it. 

In my efforts to get myself in gear this year I've started using a walking app called Better Me. Hello, yes I know it's nearly May but I'm just now getting around to sticking my big toe into 2024. 

Question-does anybody really need an app for walking? 

I mean it seems pretty straightforward, but exercise is such a mind game for me, I find the app helps. It's a series of timed walks of varying speeds, and each walk is broken up into blocks so you change your pace a few times along the way. It took me a couple of days to figure out how much faster fast walking should be than brisk walking, but I've got my pace now and have been sticking with it. Sticking with it is really the thing, right? 

Also I should get extra credit for fast walking in my neighborhood because we've got some hills that make you want to cry. Not just me! I've had runners tell me they won't run in our neighborhood because it's so deceptively steep. The app helps me keep going. 

Back to Friday night's leftovers...I made a knock off California Pizza Kitchen BBQ chicken salad last week and it was delish. 

I had to watch a youtube video on how to cut a jicama but no blood was shed in the process (which is not always the case with me and knives) so whoohoo. 

I followed this recipe more or less. It sounded like a lot of dressing so I cut back on that, and hubs grilled the chicken then just topped it with a little BBQ sauce. 

The salad tasted very much like what I remember having at the CPK restaurant, although it's been more than a decade since I've eaten in one, so I can't say for sure.

Wait!! It's been more than two decades? Is that right? 

Yes I know it's right because my kids were kids last time I ate in a CPK, not grown married women with kids of their own. They weren't even in high school. Gulp. 

Are CPK's still around? There was one in the mall when we lived in Annapolis and we used to go every now and then. Now I'm wondering if people even still go to the mall? 

All that to say I will for sure make this recipe again. And I promise there is grilled chicken under there. My food photo snaps could use some work. 

Saturday hubs had more real estate-ing to do and I spent a fair bit of time on the phone with my siblings and my momma and also caught up on laundry and then took care of some paper work that had accumulated in the office. Why is there so much paper when everything is paperless? 

Hubs wrapped up work on the early side and we decided to go for sushi at a local place we enjoy. An unplanned date night-

My neighbor texted and asked if we wanted to come by for a glass of wine on their patio when we got home, so that's what we did. It was such a pretty evening, the temperature was absolute perfection, and it made me so ready for summer nights, porch sitting, sunset chasing, and al fresco dinners with friends and family. 

Hubs had still more real estate-ing to do on Sunday so we didn't go to church, and I watched online instead. l got all my grocery shopping done for the week, then came home and baked peanut butter cookies for two different friends who've had a bit of a rough time lately. A homemade cookie says someone is thinking of you. 

And just in case you're wondering, the amaryllis king is still in business. This is the same plant my daughter brought home from her classroom five years ago, that she somehow dumped over in her car on the way here so it was a literal stick by the time she pulled in the driveway. She planned to throw it away, but hubs worked his magic and she's still blooming beautifully. 

You'll have to take my word for it. My plant snaps could also use some work.  

Thursday, April 25, 2024

Thankful Thursday

I've recently had some new visitors to my blog, which has been a lot of fun. I've visited their blogs in return and discovered some fun new bloggers to follow, something I haven't had a lot of time for in the past year. Several of these writers blog in a similar vein to me aka the everyday ordinary stuff of life, and those are my favorite posts to read. I'm pretty certain we're the silent majority on the interwebs lol. 

In an effort to get back into some sort of rhythm here I'm going to try linking up with some blog hops during the month of May. Hopefully I'll find some inspiration there, and at the very least will get back into the habit of writing. 

Note to self...take more pictures. Words come more easily when there's a photo to serve as springboard.  

Note to photography skills are something slightly less than excellent. 

All that to say, I'm participating rather late in the day today with Thankful Thursday hosted by Jennifer at Overflowing With Thankfulness.  Never too late to be grateful though, right? The news lately is just one awful crazy unbelievable thing after another, and making a short list of things I'm grateful for helps shift my perspective. 

Let's go with a list of three things on this gorgeous Thursday afternoon-

1. It's an absolutely gorgeous Thursday afternoon. 

The sun is shining, the air is warm, the pollen is ka-raZy...

Okay maybe that last one shouldn't be there but hey, if we didn't have pollen we wouldn't have plants. Perspective is everything. 

2. An afternoon cuppa. 

Like a big exhale that feels so necessary at 3 o'clock on a sunny spring day. Winter day. Any old day. 

"Tea is to the body as music is to the soul" Earlene Grey 

3. Cousin time. 

While it didn't work out for us all to be together last weekend, my girls have managed a mid-week get together with all their littles...

Where there's a will there's a way. 

Daughter1 hadn't met her brand new niece yet, and that absolutely needed to happen. And of course the rest of the crew is just party party party, so a good time was had by all. 

They're wearing the matching shirts I bought for the weekend that didn't happen (if you're in the dark you can read about that here). The boys shirts say 'cousins make the best friends',  Little Miss has 'cousin crew' printed on her pretty pink tee, and Sugar's little onesie says 'new to the cousin crew'. Trust me, they're adorable. 

And we know to take what we can get when it comes to photos with the six and unders-ha! 

Back in December I'd given both of my girls as well as both of their girls matching pjs and they remembered to wear them ...

They also remembered to take a picture which in my case is the next best thing to being there. For that I'm grateful. 

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

My Hodgepodge Plans

Welcome to another edition of The Wednesday Hodgepodge. If you've answered today's questions, add your link at the end of my post, then leave a comment for your neighbor there, because comments make the blog world go round. Here we go-

From this Side of the Pond
1. When did you last have cancelled plans? Were you happy about that or disappointed? 

This past weekend actually. You'll find the details here-What To Expect When You're Expecting (not that kind).  I was super disappointed at first, but I got over it and embraced Plan B. 

2. On a scale of 1-10 how much of a planner are you? 

1= I go where the wind takes me  
10=I've got a power point on it, no matter what it is

I'm definitely NOT a 1. And 10 sounds like someone who can't go with the flow when going with the flow is required, so I'm not a 10 either. I am a planner and in general, enjoy planning. I like lists and adding things to the calendar and figuring out what there is to see when we travel, etc. But I can also flex when flexing is necessary and it so often is. I'm calling myself a 7. 

3. Do you have a menu plan for the week? If so tell us one or two things that are on it. If not, what's your plan for not having a plan lol? 

I do. I hold it loosely because if someone suggests a meet up someplace I'm on board. I make a general meal plan at the beginning of the week and adjust as needed. We're out a lot and on the go a lot but since we're home this week, I'm trying to eat on the lighter side. 

I used to love the California Pizza Kitchen's BBQ salad and I'm making a knock off version of that this week. It calls for jicama which I like, but I've never cut into one so that's something new. I'm also making a slow cooker swiss steak on Thursday because I'm out for a good chunk of the day and like not having to think about dinner when I get home. 

4. The Hodgepodge lands on National Bucket List Day. Do you have a bucket list? Is it written down or just in your head? What is one thing on your bucket list? If you don't have a list, what is one thing you'd add to a list if you did? Yes I'm going to make you think about it. 

Not a written one, but I suppose there's one running through my head. I used to keep a list on my sidebar called 101 in 1001 which was a list of 101 things (both large and small) that I wanted to see/do/try/complete in the next 1001 days. I might revisit that now that I remember it's there. 

Okay, true story I went down a rabbit hole reading back over my lists and I'm definitely going to revisit. I might make it a link up if anyone would be interested in trying it too. Here are the links to my first list, and my second. The last one was 'completed' in 2018 so it's been a while. 

Back to today...what's one thing on my bucket list? A trip back to the UK with my hubs. Since moving back to the states in 2009 we've both made trips back, just not together. It's time. And it's on the calendar so whoohoo! 

5. Rain buckets, a drop in the bucket, couldn't carry a tune in a bucket, sweat buckets, cry buckets...which 'bucket' idiom applies to your life in some way currently? 

Nothing stands out, but 'couldn't carry a tune in a bucket' always applies lol. 

6. Insert your own random thought here.  

Many of you who've been around the Hodgepodge a long time used to also read my daughter's blogs. They both more or less set them aside because life is busy and they're trying to be intentional about how much time they spend online while raising young children. 

Both are back, not in daily posting (ain't nobody got time for that!!), but they're figuring out what works in this season of life. Hop over and say hi if you're interested in catching up. Daughter1 shares some exciting news I will definitely be weighing in on, and Daughter2 most recently shared her baby's birth story, which isn't everyone's cup of tea, but I enjoy reading them. I love the details written out to remember and wish I'd recorded more of life's everyday 'stuff' when mine were little. 

Daughter1-Sincerely Shannon

Daughter 2-It's Elementary 

Have a great Wednesday everyone! 

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